Chapter 33

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(Y/N)'s POV

Carrying Sana's favorite takeaway food to her office, I smiled at the thought of her reaction when she saw her beloved spicy ramen and green tea. I imagined her squealing happily as soon as she laid eyes on her favorite meals.

Upon reaching her office, I pushed the door open and was greeted by the sight of Sana peacefully asleep on the couch. Her soft snores filled the room. I noticed a stray of her hair strand covered her face. It's adding to her endearing charm.

Approaching her, I carefully set the food on the coffee table before kneeling down beside her. I brushed the stray strand of hair behind her ear while admired her beauty as she slept. I found myself captivated by her. I realized that I had never met a woman as stunning as Sana before.

I shook her shoulder. Sana's muffled voice emerged from beneath her tousled hair. "Hmm... don't disturb my sleep" she muttered in sleepiness. Her groggy protest only elicited a chuckle from me. "Wake up, sleepyhead. I brought your favorite meals" I teased her gently.

Slowly, Sana peeled her eyes open. Her were movements sluggish from sleep. As she sat up, rubbing her eyes and yawning, I took a seat beside her. I removed my blazer and placed it on the coffee table.

"I brought you some spicy ramen and green tea for lunch" I informed her. An anticipation twinkled in her eyes as she fully woke up.

Her eyes widened excitedly at the mention of her favorite meals. Sana couldn't contain her joy. "Really? You brought them for me?!" she delighted as she giggled and clapped her hands cheerfully.

I chuckled softly at her adorable antics. "Of course, anything for you." My heart was swelling an affection for her.

Quickly tearing into the ramen cup and taking a sip of her green tea, Sana's hunger was evident as she couldn't wait to satisfy her appetite. Playfully pouted and a pleading look in her eyes, she asked me to feed her. "Please? Just one bite, pretty please?" she added in endearing manner.

I felt myself melting under her gaze. "Alright, but only because you asked so nicely" I felt a rush of affection for her.

Starting to feed her, Sana's smile widened and she rewarded me a sweet kiss on the cheek. "Thank you" she murmured.

She let out a heavy sigh and I knew something was bothering her. "How was your meeting?" I hoped to ease her mind.

"It was like a tragedy nightmare.They accused me of joining the illuminati, can you believe it? It's ridiculous! Luckily, Lisa didn't end up believing them though she's so naive and introverted" she replied frustrated.

I shook my head when I found the accusation both illogical and absurd. "They must be jealous of your success" I tried to lighten the mood.

Sana leaned closer to me,"Well, darling, if I did join the illuminati, would you join me, (Y/N)?" she asked mischievously.

I mockingly exaggerated in a dramatic fashion. "Oh, heavens no! That would surely spell doom for my illustrious career as your humble secretary! I simply can't fathom the devastation at such a tender age!" I feigned my horror at the thought.

Sana rolled her eyes. She's clearly unimpressed with my theatrics. "Do you ever get tired of mocking me dramatically every day?" she asked in irritation.

I shrugged, still maintaining my playfulness. "No, my dear Sana. As your loyal secretary, it's my solemn duty to provide you with motivation as the esteemed leader of Minatozaki Oops Inc" I continued to mock her in an exaggerated fashion.

Her glare intensified and she was momentarily speechless. "Can you please be serious for once, (Y/N)? I don't get you sometimes" she demanded.

"Ah, but of course, my dear boss" I said before launching into another dramatic imitation of her. Sana rolled her eyes in exasperation and rose from the couch. She's making her way to the washroom and leaving me chuckling behind her.

Settling onto the couch, I finally was able to relax after cleaning up the mess. I closed my eyes to savor the moment of peace. However, my tranquility was short-lived as I felt a presence crawling on top of me. Opening my eyes, I was met with Sana's mischievous gaze as she settled herself on top of me.

"Ah, come on, Sana! Can't I have a moment of peace?" I groaned in mock exasperation.

Ignoring my protest, Sana shook her head determinedly as she made herself comfortable on top of me. Her arms looped around my neck to pull herself closer as she nestled against my neck.

"I just need some cuddles, (Y/N). I'm stressed out and in need of warmth" she pleaded.

I chuckled at her antics. I found myself unable to resist her charm. "Alright, alright, you win. But just for a while little" I wrapped my arms around her in return.

I grabbed my blazer from the coffee table and draped it over Sana's body to ensure she stayed warm and cozy. Enveloping my arms around her petite waist, I pulled her closer to me. I relished the feeling of her warmth against my chest.

"Are you feeling warm enough?" Sana nodded contentedly. Her eyes closed as she nestled against me more, finding solace in our embrace.

I gently stroked her long silk hair. Each strand felt like satin beneath my fingertips and the scent of her hair filled the air. It's intoxicating me with its sweetness.

Engulfed by Sana's warmth as she cuddled closer, she broke the peaceful silence. "I really don't want to go to my upcoming blind date tonight" she confessed with reluctance. She looked up at me to seek my opinion on whether she should decline it or not.

"I can't decide for you. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably be asking myself the same question" I replied honestly as I met her gaze.

Sana sighed softly while her fingers traced delicate patterns on my chest. "I know but I just don't feel like it" she reflected her inner turmoil.

Then, she turned to me with a hopeful look in her eyes."Would you accompany me tonight?" she asked, hopefully I accompany her.

I nodded but with a caveat. "I'll be there but I'll wait outside the café. I don't want to risk ruining your date" I alleviated any concerns she might have.

Sana's face lit up with a radiant smile as she snuggled closer. She planted a playful kiss on my cheek. "Thank you, (Y/N). Promise you'll wake me up later?" she whispered.

I smiled back as I returned her embrace. "Of course, Sana. Sweet dreams." I felt content in her presence as she drifted off to sleep.

Oh, the joys of enjoying our cuddling session. Truly, there was never a dull moment in Sana's office.

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