Chapter 38

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(Y/N)'s POV

Today was the day Sana and I visited her parents' mansion. Linking her arm with mine, I was plagued by guilt for letting Nayeon go to her favorite café alone. I imagined her disappointment and I wished I could have been there for her. Instead, I found myself entangled in Sana's enigmatic presence.

Upon arrival, we were warmly greeted by Sana's parents at the entrance. Sana, ever the affectionate daughter, showered them with hugs and kisses as she expressed how much she missed them. I stood by awkwardly and unsure of how to join in the familial display of affection.

Sana enveloped her parents in a warm embrace and planting kisses on their cheeks. "Mom, Dad. I've missed you both so much. It feels like forever since you've been back from your vacation" she sighed dramatically.

Her father chuckled as he's patting her back affectionately. "We missed you too, sweetheart. It's good to be home."

Sana's mother smiled warmly while running her fingers through Sana's hair. "Yes, it's wonderful to see you again, darling. How have you been?"

Sana leaned back slightly and reflected a hint of longing in her eyes. "I've been good but it's just not the same without you both here."

Her father's eyes fell on me and he offered a warm smile. "And, you must be Sana's new secretary. (Y/N), am I right?"

I nodded politely. "Yes, that's correct, Mr. Minatozaki."

Sana's mother chuckled softly. "No need to be so formal, dear. Just call us mom and dad."

I swallowed nervously as I felt a pang of discomfort at the thought. "Mom, dad" I repeated. The words feeling foreign on my lips. Sana's parents shared a knowing glance. They're amused by my awkwardness while Sana herself stifled a giggle at my expense.

"Please, come in and make yourselves at home" her father gestured towards the open door.

Sana's mother added, "Yes, come in. We're so glad to have you both here."


Settling into the living room, Sana's mother turned to her with a warm smile. "So, how are your sisters and Shane doing?" she inquired.

"Oh, they're doing just fine, Mom. Dahyun's been mastering her cooking skills and Chaeyoung's been perfecting her world-renowned clothes-folding technique. And Shane... has been practicing his escape maneuvers!" Sana suppressed a playful giggle.

Her father chuckled and nodded."Do you give Dahyun and Chaeyoung a hard time when we're away?" he asked teasingly.

Sana rolled her eyes dramatically. "Of course not, Dad! I treat them like beloved sisters!" she feigned innocence as she exchanged a knowing glance with me.

Sana's father's scrutinizing gaze fell upon me and he leaned in with a curious expression. "So, (Y/N). How's life as Sana's new secretary treating you?" he inquired.

I hesitated on how to respond. Her father continued before I could answer. "You know, every year we seem to have a new face in that role" he shook his head.

"Some of them barely last a day while others don't even make it past a minute. I hope she's not giving you too much trouble with her... unique personality."

I opened my mouth to reply but before I could utter a word, Sana let out a sudden exaggerated cough, "Don't... don't tell him... about... you know..."

I shot her a puzzled glance but she simply flashed me a mischievous grin. She clearly signaled me to tread carefully with my response.

I began while maintaining a straight face despite Sana's covert signals, "Sana... has been n-nothing but a... delight to work with. In fact, she... she's's been my greatest source of... motivation. Every day, she pushes me to strive for excellence and never give up."

Sana shot me a playful wink. She found herself amused by my exaggerated praise. Meanwhile, her parents exchanged warm glances. They're touched by my words. Her mother even dabbed at her eyes with a tissue at the thought of raising such an inspiring daughter.

Her mother beamed proudly and nodded. "It's wonderful to see how much Sana has grown and matured over the years. When Sana was little, she was like a wild monkey, always getting into mischief and causing trouble" She remarked about her daughter's mischief.

"S-stop, Mom. Please, let's not talk about that right now. It's too embarrassing." Sana shot her mother a desperate look. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"And then there was that incident with Hiroyuki. Sana was playing baseball with Dahyun and Chaeyoung in the backyard and let's just say Hiroyuki got in the way of a swing" her mother continued.

"Poor Hiroyuki ended up in the hospital for almost a year. It was quite a scare for all of us."

"S-stop, Mom. Please, spare me the embarrassment. Let's focus on the present, shall we?" Sana cast a pleading glance at her parents. She hoped they wouldn't judge her too harshly for her childhood antics.

Her mother chuckled sympathetically and patted her hand. "Of course, dear" she expressed a knowing smile.

Sana's father leaned forward to prob. "(Y/N), do you have any romantic interest in my daughter? You two seem like a perfect match."

I shifted uneasily as I sensed the weight of his expectations bearing down on me. "Uh, well..."

Sana chimed in to dismiss her father's idea. "Oh please, Dad. (Y/N) and I? Can you imagine me with someone as narcissistic and stoic as (Y/N)? That's laughable. He's definitely not my type!" she exclaimed.

"Exactly. We're just friends, nothing more." I was relieved to have her support in dispelling her father's notion.

"Oh, Sana dear, you don't have to be shy about it. I can see the chemistry between you two!" Sana's mother chuckled.

Sana rolled her eyes dramatically as she let out an exasperated sigh. "Mom, please. There's no romance here. (Y/N) and I are strictly professional" she waved her hands in dismissal.

Her mother tilted her head and displayed a knowing smile playing on her lips."Well, whatever you say, darling. But don't be surprised if love blossoms unexpectedly!"

Sana shook her head at her mom's hopeless romance. "Trust me, Mom, that's not happening" she emphasized her point with a playful wink.

Sana's parents rose to greet the unexpected guests. I felt a wave of relief wash over me. The pressure of their scrutiny lifted, at least momentarily.

"I really think it's time we head home" I eagerly urged to escape the uncomfortable situation.

Sana scoffed skeptically. "(Y/N), you're not fooling anyone. You're just itching to see Nayeon, aren't you?"

I scoffed in return because of her jealousy. "Oh, Sana, my dear. If I meet Nayeon, there's absolutely no issue. After all, at least I'd be with someone who doesn't possess a mental disorder like yourself" I exaggerated sigh to mock her.

Sana wasn't convinced. Her jealousy was palpable in the air. "If you dare to see her, you won't like the consequences" she warned in a dangerous tone.

"Oh, my dear Sana! Please, don't scare a humble secretary like me! I must behold the wonders of the world before I vanish into the abyss!" I widened my eyes and as I feigned terror.

The unexpected guests entered the room mid-conversation. Sana's ears perked up at the sound of a familiar voice drawing near. Tilting her head, she was stunned to see Hansol approaching. A smile spread across his face as he greeted her.

"Hi, Sana"

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