Chapter 41

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(Y/N)'s POV

I waited for Sana in the living room. My fingers were fiddling with my phone. Jeongyeon breezed in while carrying snacks and a Coke. She plopped down across from me and switched on the TV.

Jeongyeon raised an eyebrow as she's eyeing me curiously. We exchanged a bro handshake."Yo, yo, yo, good morning, (Y/N)! Where's the party at this morning, huh? Spill the beans, my man!" she flowed like a rap verse.

I flashed her a grin."Just a casual hangout with Sana. She's feeling a bit stir-crazy" I kept up with her lively energy.

Jeongyeon nodded vigorously as her head bobbed to an imaginary beat. "Yo, the dynamic duo strikes again! But hey, don't forget the essentials. We need snacks, man. Can't survive without 'em, it's like, Snacks 101!" she pointed at the empty kitchen cabinet.

I chuckled at her enthusiasm."Don't worry, Jeongyeon. We will make sure to stock up on snacks later. Can't have a hangout without snacks, right?"

Jeongyeon pumped her fist in the air. Her energy was contagious as she replied, "You got that right, bro! Gotta keep the snack game strong like all day long. Ain't no party without the snacks, that's a fact!"

Just then, I heard Sana's voice exclaiming, "I'm ready!" I quickly rose from the couch and turned to face her. Sana was darting towards me excitedly. She nearly tripped on the carpet in her haste. Instinctively, I reached out and caught her by the arms to steady her.

"Easy there, Sana. No need to rush. I wouldn't want you to take a tumble" I chuckled.

Sana giggled in response,"Sorry. I just didn't want us to be late for our casual hangout" she said sheepishly.

I smiled at her antics and amused by her dramatic flair. "No worries, we'll get there in time" I squeezed her hand gently.

Jeongyeon's eyes widened in awe as she gazed at Sana. Her admiration was evident in her expression.

"Yo, Sanny, you lookin' fly today!" she punctuated her words enthusiastically between nods and bites her chips.

"Thanks for the compliment" Sana's giggles bubbled up in response to Jeongyeon's lovely compliment.

"Welcome, Sanny! To the truth I reveal, your beauty's ethereal, it's the real deal. Believe me, girl, (Y/N)'s heart you steal, every glance, you make him feel!" Jeongyeon nodded her head to an imaginary beat as she continued to munch on her chips.

We excuse ourselves from Jeongyeon's amusing commentary as we're making our way towards the door.

Before we could step out, Jeongyeon threw in one last piece of advice. She delivered in her usual rap-style motivational speaker mode.

"Yo, Ride or Die pair, listen up! Before you hit the street, don't trip and fall, keepin' it neat. Snacks are the real heroes, MVPs complete. Don't leave your girl snackless, that's the feat. Snacks in hand, ain't no setback, ya dig?"

I chuckled at her words and assured her, "Got it, Jeongyeon. Snacks are top priority!"

Sana and I exchanged amused glances after listening to Jeongyeon's advice. Both of us were charmed by Jeongyeon's energetic personality. Sana linked her arms with mine as we made our way to the garage to grab the car.


Sana stood in the pet store while holding two blankets in her hands. Her brows furrowed in indecision. She found a cute blanket for her beloved Shane but couldn't decide which one she would prefer. Turning to me, she asked for my opinion on which one to choose.

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