safe haven

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Two days passed since the encounter with Dallas at the mall and Dylan had become worried for my safety so he did the only thing he could think of ask his friends for help, I had been in my room packing what few items I had when I heard him clearing his throat as a way to get my attention.

I turned around and seen him standing just outside the bedroom and noticed that he was carrying a couple of duffle bags, one in his hand and the other around his body.

Dylan: my friends agreed to letting us stay at the safe house, do you have everything packed yet Rayna?

Rayna: yeah, I'm ready if you are.

Dylan: let's get out of here, the guys are expecting us.

Rayna: where is this place at?

Dylan: it's in North dakota, it's a long drive so I hope you can handle sitting for long periods of time.

Rayna: I will be fine.

After we put our bags in the truck, I climbed in the passenger seat and he slowly drove to the place we would be living from now on so Dallas couldn't find me.

We slowly got to know each other more since we would be in this truck for two days, I found out that he lost his baby sister after she was kidnapped seven years ago.

Rayna: I'm sorry to hear about your baby sister Dylan.

Dylan: yeah me too...

Rayna: is that why you're wanting to look after me?

Dylan: yeah, Danie would probably be your age if she was still here. Tomorrow would be her eighteenth birthday.

Rayna: that's a coincidence...

Dylan: what is?

Rayna: tomorrow is my birthday...

Dylan: happy birthday...

A few more hours passed and he pulled up to a hotel, I couldn't help but feel like he was upset over talking about his sister.

I decided to try to cheer him up but the unexpected happened and I found myself in his arms while I looked into his eyes then felt his lips against mine.

Rayna: Dylan...

I felt him place his head on my shoulder while I was still in his arms.

Dylan: I know that you probably want to be with your family but I feel drawn to you Rayna, I want to protect you from the people who are looking to hurt you...

Rayna: I feel drawn to you also Dylan, thank you for helping me.

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