calming the anger

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After we got back to the lake house, I wasted no time voicing my opinion about what happened at my father's house and what she said to him about us.

Dylan: why did you tell my dad that Rayna?

Rayna: to save you the embarrassment, I don't like it anymore than you do but it's better if he believed we were a couple and not two strangers living together.

Dylan: but we're not strangers and now thanks to you h believes the child you're carrying is mine

Rayna: I know that you're angry with me but I...

Dylan: you're damn right I'm angry, how could you be so stupid Rayna? I should have left you laying in the parking lot that day...

Rayna: I wish you would have left me there also...

I watched as she walked into her bedroom and gently closed the door, I knew that I upset her and wasn't sure how to fix things. I felt bad for telling her that because I didn't mean it, I would have helped her all over again.

I slowly walked over to the bedroom and knocked on the door then heard her say something before I opened the door and seen her sitting in front of the window while she looked outside.

Dylan: I'm sorry Rayna, I just...

Rayna: I didn't mean to make you angry for what I said, I just didn't want your dad thinking I was using you and I will have my brother buy me a bus ticket back to California and start traveling with him everywhere he goes. I am sorry for wasting your time and money for helping me and I will pay you back for what you did.

Dylan: I don't want you to go, you're here now and I don't want to explain things to my dad about why you left since he now believes we are going to get married.

Rayna: we did have sex with each other two nights ago, I think that counts as being a couple Dylan but I will understand if you want to tell your dad the truth.

Dylan: I don't want you being alone in this Rayna, I meant it when I told you that I love you and I wouldn't have slept with you if I didn't want you.

Rayna: you have a strange way of asking me to be your girlfriend you know that?

I let out a small chuckle after I placed my hand on her leg, I knew she was right so I decided to ask her the right way while I looked into her eyes.

Dylan: Rayna, will you be my girlfriend?

Rayna: yes...

I placed my lips on hers and felt her kiss me while I placed my hands on both sides of her face when I felt her arms gently resting on my shoulders. I felt her rest her head on my chest and her heard say those three little words while I continued holding her close to me.

Rayna: I love you...

Dylan: I love you too baby...

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