making plans (pt. 2)

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I was at work with Dylan when I seen him walking towards me and seen that he looked upset about something.

Frankie: what's going on man?

Dylan: it's nothing man...

Frankie: I've known since we were kids Dylan, I know when something is bothering you.

Dylan: it's Rayna man, I've only known her for five months and my dad is convinced that the child she's pregnant with is mine along with thinking that we are going to get married.

Frankie: I know it seems like you're under pressure but you should tell your dad the truth about you and her. Are you two even a couple or just friends?

Dylan: I asked her out last week but I feel like we're moving to fast.

Frankie: if you love her, you'll find a way to make your relationship work, I'm happy for you man. You deserve to be happy and if you do plan on marrying her I'm here if you need help.

Dylan: I don't even have a ring picked out for her yet, she told my dad that we're getting married after the child is born.

Frankie: we can take care of that after work, just relax man.

I watched as he walked away after he released some frustration out on the drink machine before he went back to work again, I knew that Rayna would need some help picking out a wedding dress so I called my sister Jordyn to help her out, I knew that Rayna would need a female friend and so did Jordyn. I sent her a text and told her to meet me at the lakehouse after work and she immediately responded back telling me she would.

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