home again

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After making it back to California, my brother decided that it would be better if I moved back to our home country which is was I did that was until the war broke out and I had no choice but to return to California, my brother opened up his home to me and his nephew.

I got a job working for my brother as a wardrobe coordinator so I could have money to get what I needed for Mitchel, he looked so much like Dallas and it scared me to think that he might want to meet his dad one day and it was something that I wasn't prepared for.

Five years had passed and he begun asking me where his dad was, I wasn't sure how to answer his question but as I was about to say something I seen Dylan approach me after he heard my voice.

Rayna: Dylan...?

Dylan: yeah...

I wrapped my arms around his neck and felt him gently place his hands on my lower back and pulled me into his embrace.

Rayna: I missed you...

Dylan: I missed you too, is this the same kid you were pregnant with?

Rayna: yeah, this is Mitchel.

Mitchel: I'm five years old.

Dylan: alright!

Rayna: today is his birthday, I was about to take him out to dinner...

Dylan: oh yeah? You can join me and Frankie for dinner if you like.

Rayna: where are y'all guys eating at?

Dylan: there's a restaurant up the street that we'll be eating at, he should be here any minute now if you're not in a hurry.

Rayna: no we're not in a hurry, he wanted to come here for something so...

I tuck my hair behind my ear while looking at him.

Rayna: so did you and Frankie move here or visiting?

Dylan: we moved here, we both decided that there was more work here so, here we are.

Frankie walked up to him a few minutes later and seen me standing next to him and gave me a hug while Mitchel stood there looking at him as he had a confused look on his face.

Rayna: what's wrong sweetheart?

Mitchel: which one of them is my dad?

Rayna: oh sweetie, they're---

I heard Dylan cut me off as he quickly spoke up and immediately felt my heart skip a beat...

Dylan: I'm your dad.

Mitchel quickly hugged his neck after Dylan knelt down so he could see him better.

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