The Situation of Syspocalypstar

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History -
The Kingdom of Syspocalypstar fell in the same way it was created: in chaos. As the unfortunate civil war that followed the Syndicalist revolution in 2021 eventually came to a close, the government and its supporters chose exile instead of surrender.

Having retreated to the eastern galaxies near Noctis and Solice, these exiles hoped this temporary situation would soon be resolved as these Syndicalists would either collapse on themselves or be put down by the people. Neither happened...

Instead, this new government consolidated their own power and forced a humiliating agreement on the exiles, forcing them to remain away from Syspocalypstar, and recognize the Syndicalist government, with the only assurance that the exiles could remain free from this revolution.

The Commune of Syspocalypstar was then recognized by many as the legitimate successor to the Kingdom, while the exiles remain seen as the true government by their allies and other friendly kingdoms of various galaxies. But these exiles refuse to cower and continue to plan to retake their home galaxy at any chance they have.

However, the aftermath of the Exile proved worryingly unstable. With the remnants of the government and mainstream parties thrown into chaos by their defeat and exile in just three months, Queen Watevra Wanabi herself seized control in a non-violent takeover, ruling with absolute power for a year and a half.

Throughout that time, however, Watevra has chosen to become slightly less autocratic than the first week's of the exile, willing to delegate some power to the Assembly and civilian leaders when needed, and choosing to cooperate with parties of the Center, as well as the Corporatist Right.

Nevertheless, she is alone the leader of Syspocalypstar, and the constitution remains suspended and ignored, with the military continuing to dominate both politics and the economy, Parliament itself sidelined. However, Watevra's wife, King Batman, has lost much admiration due to his recent incompetence and corruption, which may soon catch up to him and his government.

"Those Accursed Syndicalists!"

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