A Bitter Truth / Batman's Plan

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Having taken stock of pur military and industrial capacity, we can no longer hide from a simple, harsh fact. As it stands, our economy and army are nowhere near what is required to successfully return home, and then defeat the Commune. Urgent and drastic reforms are urgently needed, and public pressure on Batman is reaching a fever pitch.

Watevra herself is said to be deeply angered by the findings, and possibly growing more sympathetic to the voices within her government that want to see a further consolidation of the Junta...

"We await the King's move..."


Watevra's husband and King, Batman, has few redeeming features. Throughout the exile, the once great hero and caped crusader has changed to become uncharismatic, unmotivated, incompetent, and prone to political blunders. He is, however, loyal, and it is that loyalty that has inspired him to come to his wife today with an undesirable, if necessary, proposal.

In order to ensure that he has the political capital to push through the military spending that is needed to get the army into a fit state for the Liberation, Batman intends to pay off a large number of supporters in the Assembly.

Although he knows that such corrupt measures are far from ideal, and could cause significant problems if leaked, Batman is certain that it is the only way forward, in light of growing frustration with his government and abilities. Reluctantly, Watevra can only agree.

"Let's at least hope this can be kept quiet..."

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