An Unexpected Arrest

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Today, the news splashed across the front pages has astonished most. The murderers of Mason Syntian have been clearly proven as guilty and rounded up. They are, however, a far cry from the natives, minorities, and leftists whom Business and Louis Night have accused.

Rather, the guilty men are outwardly respectable Bricksburgers and Systarians - and among them, crucially, was Nash Night, Louis Night's own brother, and also the very brother of King Orion Night of Noctis, young Nash having drifted to the right in his years, causing massive upheaval and worry of the whole Kingdom against Noctis as a whole.

Although this connection to the murder was very disturbing, after a further and complete thorough investigation, King Orion is truly and fully innocent of this crime, having no knowledge, let alone support of this scheme. It also seems to be Prince Nash himself is innocent as well, only found with the murderers as a hostage to blame Noctis and the royal family.

Although the King and Prince of our closest and dearest ally are found honestly innocent, the true murderers caught and their motives behind Mr. Syntians death will have to be looked in further.

"This doesn't seem right..."

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