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Critical to the stability of the regime, the society of the missionaries of the exile is a society based on the Man Upstairs, and the belief of freedom, equality, and happiness for all creatures in the Lego Universe. Founded by the Master-builders so long ago, they quickly became an integral part of the exile, adapting to customs, dressing, and research alongside the natives to seek cooperation and friendship.

They have been seen on the forefront of Syspocalypstar initiatives on these planets, despite their sometimes strained relations with the increasingly Anti-Man-Upstairs government. They have become staunch advocates for minorities and the native populations, even accepting native leaders, never hesitating to side with them against the authorities to act as a bridge between the two.

Two of their greatest supporters, and two of the greatest heroes in the history of the universe, Emmet Brickowski, known as the Special, and Princess Marie Stardust actively aid in this as model examples for kindness and compassion to all people's everywhere.

In troubled times since the revolution, they have become downright crucial to maintaining Syspocalypstar leadership over the exile, working tirelessly to maintain peace between the colonists, exiles, and natives with the full support of Watevra's Conservative government.

"May the Special and Princess continue their mission of compassion!"

National Syspocalypstar: A Lego Movie - Kaiserredux HybridDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora