Rumors of Syntian's Demise

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Mason Syntian, father of Marie Stardust, has long served Syspocalypstar for the good of science and advancement of protecting all life, but as the stage of the Kingdom's exiled regime begins to change it's main players as the winds of change blow across the exiled home, Syntian has begun to fear for his life, but more in fear of the safety of his precious daughter.

Rumors have spread that his enemies within the Radical Right, the Far-Left, or that even natives seek to gut this talented older man lest he interfere with the coming shift, and so he has begun to search for options.

Amber Jasons and Michael Bowlander, both old allies and fellow interests in science of Syntian, now work within the hidden networks of distant safehaven galaxies, and could provide a safe haven for him should he flee. However, the strange and mysterious path is quite dangerous, filled with death and disease, especially to outsiders who know little of these worlds, some believe which is close to total collapse.

Although Syntian does have experience in these matters and some well strategies in survival, he could not bear the thought of leaving his dear child, Princess Stardust, and wishes her complete protection from any similar harm that may come for him. However, it is not certain that either are in any real danger, for it may be some paranoia of his growing in his mid 50's, and these rumors can be entirely false, but the truth is uncertain.

What should the aging scientist do in this trying time?

"I shall not abandon my home, let alone my daughter. No harm shall come to her, if that means towards myself to protect her!"

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