A Meeting with the Rebel

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As faithfully arranged by Watevra's supporters, the Stalion of Systar, the respected Queen of Syspocalypstar, has met with Lucy 'Wyldstyle' Brickowski, freedom fighter, rebel, staunch Republican, and wife of the Special, Emmet Brickowski.

When Watevra assumed control of the government, Wyldstyle was one of many centrist leaders and warrior heroes who reluctantly accepted the Junta as a stabilizing force. Over the near two years since the revolution, she came to staunchly defend the Authoritarian regime from both its opponents and her own supporters, and with tacit backing from the queen, took charge of the Republican Center, a Moderate Democratic party fully committed to universal Liberty and Equality.

When Batman had been exposed for his corruption and illegal activities, the Master-builder aided in personal meetings with upset citizens and leaders to lower chances of violence, as has been accepted as a prominent, though reluctant supporter of the regime in the assembly. Watevra, for her part, has been willing to delegate policymaking and day-to-day administration to Wyldstyle and her Republican allies.

However, the rebel is now suggesting that only reforms can restore the people's hope for Syspocalypstar. As such, Lucy is urging the Queen to appoint her as the new Premier, with a cabinet made up of Moderates and Republicans, to prepare their galaxy for a full return to Democratic life, once Liberation is complete.

However, many in Watevra's cabinet argue against the risk of Republican influence and that Democratic chaos must be avoided. Nonetheless, a decision has already been made.

"Reform is the way forward. Accept her proposals."

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