Our Next Move

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Ever since Batman resigned, the Kingdom has been without a King and Premier, and the Government has been in chaos, with Watevra forced to take on the daily administrative responsibilities that he has grown use to delegating. Meanwhile, protests supported by everyone from Liberals to Radicals are continuing in the streets, and we are running out of time to stabilize the situation. As such, two possible options lie before Watevra.

First, as is suggested by many, she could seek to gain of support of civilian laws, through more... legitimate means than Batman had used. This would entail entering discussions with either President, darling of the Right, or Lucy (Wyldstyle) Brickowski, Master-builder and wife of the Special.

Either one would be able to use their prestige as heroes and leaders to restore confidence in the regime, but would also demand extensive concessions in doing so: something which has inspired supporters of the Queen not to bother talking to either. Civilian politicians, they argue, are responsible for dragging Syspocalypstar into the chaos it currently faces, and it is time for Watevra to fully secure the Kingdom's position to bend the Assembly to her will.

The Queen must choose a course of action, and shall take the action to...*

"Maintain the basis of Liberty: reach out to Wyldstyle."

National Syspocalypstar: A Lego Movie - Kaiserredux HybridWhere stories live. Discover now