The Scandal Breaks / Batman Steps Down

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In news that surprised few in the know, Batman's corruption has today been exposed, in all its sordid detail. Elaborate bribes, disturbing threats, even promises to turn a blind eye to blatantly illegal activity in exchange for support: all have been common practices of the Batman government, and all have intensified recently as Batman makes a belated effort to strengthen his hand.

Everyone from the Princess Unikitty of Unikingdom to President Business and Louis Night have harshly rebuked not only Batman but Watevra herself, and although Batman's own fall from power is now a certainty, some speculate that the Junta itself is on it's way out.

"Ah, Man Upstairs..."


Today, the inevitable has come to pass, and, after two days spent locked away in his office, King Batman gave a short, regretful speech to a jeering assembly, announcing his immediate step down as King of Syspocalypstar. It is clear that Watevra herself had talked him into it, stating that if he didn't take this path, she would have no choice but to put him under house arrest as well.

And thus fell the Batman regime, ineffectual and shambolic to the end. Watevra's next move as she attempts to stabilize the situation is for now unknown, but members of the Cross of Fire, RC, and even MA have all been seen meeting with representatives of the Junta.

"What lies next?"

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