How to Appeal to Officers

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If our government is to stabilize and last, we need the support, or at least understanding, of the military. Winning this, however, will be no easy task: under the junta, the military did of course amass much political influence, something they will loath to give up, particularly to Liberal-minded civilians.

However, we must still make an effort to gain their loyalty by giving concessions, in order to fully neutralize any say they have in the government and normal civilian life. Some suggest we should greatly increase military spending to give better pay to our soldiers, while others argue that decreasing government oversight of the military, and giving them more autonomy on investment and strategy.

This would allow the military to accept losing their influence and grip on the state, and permanently subordinate themselves to the newly restored Democratic government. On the other hand, we could take a harsher stance on this matter by threatening to investigate any abuses under the junta if they do not comply.

"Allow them the final say in military affairs."

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