A successor to Glitterfeld

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Over a week has now passed since Gerald Glitterfeld retired, and Watevra still has held back on announcing his successor. This is because Glitterfeld's retirement has robbed the military of a unifying and respected figure, capable of papering over the growing doctrinal divides, as a younger generation of officers seeks to find solutions to military decline.

On one side, General Sweet Mayhem and her allies are known for their conviction that the Kingdom can, in its current circumstances, only sustain a relatively small army, and thus should focus of professionalism, and a high quality of training and equipment. Furthermore, Mayhem is passionate in her beliefs that mobile weapons and machines are the future of warfare, and that a military must be focused on a small, elite sense to keep losses and fatalities at an extreme minimum, but also achieve rapid breakthroughs in enemy defenses.

Opposing Mayhem's faction is a group of officers centered around Admiral Francis Darlego and General Maxwell 'Builder' Weybridge, who follow a more traditional approach, that is often more popular among the older generation of officers. Drawing on the olden idea of the citizen-soldier, and the need for strong naval and air power in order to stand against the Syndicalists, they argue for as large an army the circumstances allow, alongside a greatly strengthened navy and air force, with these three forces acting in greater co-ordination.

By now, however, the pressure from both factions of the military, from civilian politicians eager to see the military reform one way or another, and from public opinion, has grown too strong for Watevra to procrastinate any longer, and she must appoint a successor.

"...A small, elite force is what we need: bring in Mayhem."

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