The Situation of Syspocalypstar

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The circumstances of the revolution and exile have convinced Queen Watevra Wanabi, and a large portion of the population that only a dynamic and authoritarian rule can save the galaxy, at least until it has been liberated. However, both Royalists Liberals are increasingly dissatisfied with the regime, and are slowly becoming restless for change.

This is not helped by the perceived incompetence of the King, Batman, who has already endangered the government with his blunders before, and may well do so again. Even Watevra's allies in the Far Right and Center are starting to grow impatient with the political stagnation, while President Business' corporatists are hindered by internal disagreement, making them hardly the ally they once were.

To put it simply, the Junta is slowly but surely losing political credibility and is now mainly held together by the prestige of Watevra. The Junta did, however, make several attempts to reassert its power, such as temporarily renaming the Kingdom of Syspocalypstar to the 'National State of Syspocalypstar'.

The notion of 'state' affirming the temporary suspension of full Democracy, and that of 'national' asserting itself the only true representation of Syspocalypstar, as opposed to the same intentions of the Syndicalist government.

"We can trust the Stalion!"

National Syspocalypstar: A Lego Movie - Kaiserredux HybridWhere stories live. Discover now