Chapter 1 An Interesting Thing.

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Elenor wasn't interesting. She didn't really much care for interesting things to happen to her. Though, to a con man, who went by Johnathan Glimmer, It was her complete lack of anything of interest that he knew he could exploit. Using some rather helpful abilities, he knew all the right places to weasel himself in. She was just one human in a vast sea of humans, small-minded animals that he had grown accustomed to in his exile.

Glimmer was probably the most interesting entity to ever walk the mean streets of Brooklyn. His mind was sharp and deadly. His family always had this kind of power to convince and conspire their way out of every tough spot. He was different, he had a prophecy to fulfill. For millennia, the Fae kingdom has distanced itself from humans, always wearing a mask, never eager to reveal their true face. Glimmer, who had been living among the humans, had learned of an obscure prophecy. It was an old man who claimed to be Fae, but his power was clearly greater than that. He spoke of an ordinary young lady with one extraordinary talent. She knew the dance that held the key to the soul of the Dragon of Greed and Power.

Elenor knew the dance, and that was quite attractive to Glimmer, or rather, John, for now. He had unique abilities helped him, letting him know that she was not interested in his advances before their conversation. She had a boyfriend. That was not going to stop Jonathan Glimmer, not with a prize that could finally bring the humans to their side, unveiling the Fae once and for all.

"Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" he said as he walked up to her with his most irresistible simile. Her own smile was growing in response as he cheekily commented, "You remind me of the Greek sirens."

Normally, an advance as cheesy as that would call for a rebuff. However, she loved Greek mythology. "Too bad my singing voice is shit," she said, stepping up to the coffee counter.

"I wasn't talking about the singing. It was their dancing that was most alluring. My name is John. I assure you, I mean no disrespect to you." He said, he was offering his hand.

Elenor took his hand. The shake was significant. She was beginning to listen to him. He took another opportunity to become comforting in her eyes. "I just couldn't help but comment that you move with the grace of a swan." She laughed at him.

"I appreciate the comment, but you should know I have a boyfriend. You're barking up the wrong tree," she politely refused.

"Again, I meant no disrespect, I guess... I couldn't help myself. " He turned away, confident he was trapped in her memory. Meeting her was just the start of his day. He walked down the sidewalk until he came upon an alleyway. When he was confident no one was looking, he disappeared to his home. In a penthouse at the top of a high building, two people were waiting for him there. A scrawny man sporting a black hoodie that had written on it 'Caution: Allergic to the Sun' in a fancy font, and a Bulky woman, dressed for a fight, that could easily snap her tiny companion like a twig. But what a married couple does, behind closed door, is their own business.

"So did you meet her?" the scrawny one asked, removing the hood to reveal a head full of curly black hair.

"Yes, and if I'm not careful, I'll fall in love." He let out a sigh of frustration.

"That bad, huh?" the woman said, handing him a cup of coffee, his favorite invention of humans. "The feeling is worth it," she commented, looking at the puffy-haired man, walking over to him and planting a kiss on his cheek saying "You're worth it." the man blushed.

"Do you always need to be so lovey-dovey when I'm around?" he said sarcastically, putting the coffee down, as if to make a point.

"What else is a marriage for, if not to say all the good sentences to each other?"

"I don't need love lessons, Glint. I need you two to keep an eye on Elenor." The two of them disappeared out the door.

"That was not very nice. You have so few who are willing to help you." An old, round woman with a lacy hood covering her grey hair, stood in front of the closed door, now obscured by her fairy wings, a brilliant black with the shimmer of the night sky spread across them. She walked over to his desk and said, "All you need to do is turn yourself in, Glimmie, it will all be over. You, of all people know we will be kind to you. We could never do anything to the would-be prince of the Fae world."

"I lost that title the day you turned your back on me. Now, I believe that the Humans of this world have evolved enough to know the truth. And When I get a Dragon on my side, you will know very quickly that I mean to change the very foundations of Human and Fae Society alike. The Fae deserve better, mother." Glimmer said picking up the coffee. She smiled at him sweetly

"Bold aspirations for a young man like yourself to proclaim, such a profound structural change to the Divine's quite rigid plans," she reached into the pocket on her dress, retrieving a note folded over and sealed in the black wax of his family's origin. He always felt that it had too many crows and moons. "This is your last chance, Glimmer Grae. Come home. End this fruitless attempt to collide the worlds that were meant to remain apart," she placed the letter with a certain 'Thwip' seeming to disappear into the sound.

He stood over Manhattan in his office, as the smell of the coffee drifted into his nose. Glimmer looked to the morning clouds for answers. No matter how long he stared, he knew they would not give him any. It was Elenor that was going to change everything. How could he be the one to deny the Dragon of Prophecy his truth?

A Glimmer Of TruthOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant