Chapter 4 A Great Distance

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The vastness of the universe has many rules dictated by the physical parameters that spawned it. Time takes all so to look beyond it seems pointless. Somewhere in the original act of limitless causation, that spawns yet more acts of limitless causation, we have built an understanding. It was time that they had plenty of, the prophecy is never the end, it never asks for it to end. It just asks that you do, what you are asking of it.

The universe is filled with life. If it weren't for my acts within the endless nature of our infinite time then maybe Earth would have been lost to the abyss of nothingness. But alas the nature of prophesy is to be a tempting truth within time's endless border. In place of the utopia that The Fae could have had if they had learned the same lesson as their younger siblings; That Good must stand by Good, Instead, they have ages of misery.

Good is best explained by the simple teaching that wise men on earth have been crying for millennia. It was a simple message. Good is not using another thinking being as a tool to accomplish their own will. To many of the countless lives that inhabit the greater universe, this is not a thought in their head anymore. It became simply an action they decided not to take.

Earth has prospered and aided Many different races spreading the will of the Divine Arcane. Divinity in this case is a representation of the virtuosity that comes from doing the good thing. The arcane represents all that we really can't fit in our limited heads, that which cannot be reduced computationally. A being of unknown virtues.

"When they first came, the Vreena helped us humans figure out what Good, really meant. Anytime the humans questioned anything about this particular matter, the Vrenna Ambassador would simply state if you don't stand by good you stand by evil.'" Glimmer explained. "That was over 200 years ago. I'm only 25, Something they taught us all as cadets at Security Alpha." He reached for the door panel it opened to a well-lit doorless room filled with chairs. Like a waiting room where you only wait.

"So what do we do?" Elenor asked

"We wait like all Good things they take time." Glimmer took a seat, and Elenor sat next to him. The chairs were comfortable enough.

Looking around Elenor noticed the distinct lack of doors, "Where is the overseer?"

Glimmer laughed "The overseer is the building. They called it a self-generating sapient mind, it speaks only of the intentions and nothing more."

"How does it do that?" she asked rhetorically.

"If I knew that I would be in engineering." He said sarcastically

"Well then why don't I see Vreena walking the streets of Earth," she asked.

"Likely, you will only see an ambassador, The Vreena live quite a ways away, in a galaxy we earthlings lovingly named M18. The Vreena call it The Endless Spin."

"That is a much better name. You know an old South African nation called The Milky Way the backbone of the sky, ancient China called it the Silver River. Yet we keep to Greek lore about an Ancient mother goddess spreading her milk across the sky. We all need this galaxy like a baby needs its mother's milk." she said idly playing with her hair

"the ancient Greeks were nothing if not poetic." Glimmer said distracted. "well it seems that the intention was to trick you. Does your friend like to play pranks?" he said to a shocked Elenor.

"My friend and I are Very nonconfrontational. She wouldn't do that to me." a growing concern stopped her in her tracks. "How did you..." she started to ask.

Glimmer pointed to his head explaining "A special implant allows me to communicate with The Overseer. I just need to be in an overseer outpost."

"That must be why they are everywhere." she nodded confirming it for her.

They headed out of the building. As he explained, "The intent was to sell it in the beta quadrant, of the Andromeda galaxy. Do you have all your paperwork ready?"

She slipped a small sleeve out of her pocket. A small cardboard card with a little window slipped out. After retrieving it she showed the window on the sleeve. Inside was a rather picture of her smiling face.

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