Chapter 23 A New Hope.

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"How do we get back" Glimmer asked Elenor, pulling out the papers. Three sheets of white paper held him back from changing everything. Glimmer's mother appeared in the spot behind him.

She was shaking, her words shook with her. "You don't know what is going to happen if you burn them in the golden fire"

"I don't need to know Mother, you and Father have trapped us all here against our will. It's time for change. It's been one way so long we have forgotten how to change. You have forgotten how to look at The Journey with a new perspective." He turned to look at her, but he remained unaffected by the tears spilling out. "And when we did cry out for change you exiled your son, to quell the masses. You forgot how to imagine anything new."

"Then take me with you, I just don't want to lose you, again. I wish so dearly wish I could take back everything I've done but I cannot so if you are going to change it, take me with you." it came out of his mother's mouth in a sputter, ending with a loud sob grabbing onto him, she began weeping openly.

Elenor came to Glimmer's side putting her hand on Erika's shoulder. "Your son will be with you eternally, that I promise. He will need someone to teach him the truth of love, he may have forgotten but I can tell you have not." After a few sniffles, hope returned to her eyes.

The worlds flipped around them into Elenor's old home. She took her grandmother's locket out of her pocket and placed it on the table in the middle of the room. "Because I want to come back one day, live my life." She responded to an unasked question. The world flipped again everything became black, they stood in reverse. The large dark imposing buildings around them, felt quite distant this time. Elenor looked into his eyes her own eyes glowing with the power of a dragon, she looked across the three people in front of her and asked "Glimmer being the only one here from The Existence must step forward holding the three wills." Glimmer took the three papers out of his pocket and looked them over. He looked back up at Elenor. She was no longer there, instead a long slender dragon in her spot. Pure white light seeped out from underneath each scale as her breath moved them. She moved soundlessly, she opened her mouth, the universe screamed, golden light filled his view, and there was no pain. He could feel everything his mind began to fill with information.

He could see it all. Everything became known all at once. Nothing could stop him. The screaming stopped and the sky above filled with stars. He was a god. His feelings were strong and he was in control of them. He looked back Gar and his mother were gone. He stood alone in front of Elenor in all her glory, she spoke one last time. "You have freed me as the prophesy foretold and now you have gotten what you want. The fae live under the stars in their journey, the humans now move through the journey to travel the stars."

"So what now?"

Now you are god, go survey your Existence." With that she disappeared, Glimmer for the first time saw the building in the light of its very own sun, as it rose for the first time over his horizon. The buildings were still black but it was covered in pieces of gold. After a deep breath, he got to work, he had a universe to understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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