Chapter 21 A Place for the Fae

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Fae Royalty is just what they call the first Fae to have entered the journey. And the title prince came to the first living Fae. The newborn infant was the first to be born of Fae Imagination. Lordus Husband of Erika was being dealt with in the second age, by those they betrayed. Erika queen of the fae exists outside the ages, deciding instead to live at the heart of The Journey. Deep within the forest the beings of pure imagination may coalesce into a form and take part in the Journey.

They left the third age empty-handed. It was time to go home. Glimmer had a lump in his throat as they walked back toward the forest that would bring them to the castle in the trees that housed Queen Erika. Elenor was with him, "After we get the third will I will take us back to The Existence there we must give them to a Human then burn them both in the fire of my golden light. And with that earth will connect to the journey bringing them together in an unholy union."

Glimmer looked at her confused "I didn't think I would have to kill a human."

Elenor laughed, "Death will not take the person."

"Fire usually burns" Garett interjected. He put his hand on Elenor's shoulder stopping her. "My Lady Elenor, may I ask you one thing?" Elenor nodded. "if I may be Blunt you could do more in these conflicts. Pull out the beast and let it loose."

"You know the dragon has been telling me that the whole time. And when it came time to help back in the first age I was too scared, and the men came at us so fast. But in the second age when I got to see my wings, in all their brilliance. I was a little grateful to Lordus. Because, when he grabbed me he forced me to see what the Dragon could really do. In fact, when we got to the third age I was able to show my dragon how to use its power. The Irony here is that this creature is supposed to be the Embodiment of Greed and Power but yet it thinks that power is something that is to be forced. I had to get through to it in some way thanks for the help guys!" she sauntered off in the direction they were previously going. The two men followed her flabbergasted.

"What is she talking about?" Garett pleaded looking to Glimmer for an answer.

"On earth, they have found a way to live without needing to force one's wishes onto someone else. I believe it was an error my mother made when she prevented the fae from interacting with The Existence, They have found peace in their mortality, Strength in their differences, and a deep understanding of their own individuality. Our two worlds could have done so much together. If we had only not been so judgmental of their brutal ways."

"What kind of peace are you proposing?"

"The kind that is entertaining." Glimmer raised his eyebrows expectantly. "Elenor!," He said stopping her by getting her attention. He stopped, his finger pointing down at a small patch of bare red dirt.

"The Fae Journey began when one of your ancient ancestors ate a mushroom making them the first humanoid to experience a story. This enables the pseudo-human conscience to mutate and change into something else. We fae were the remnant of what you call the Australopithecus. A forgotten ancestor reaching out from beyond extinction, to be recognized. This is where it happened." Garett explained.

Elenor walked over to the empty grass spot. They held hands as the world around them began to shift and move. Big things like trees shrank, while small things like the pebbles Grew massive. They felt lightheaded and sleepy but sleep never came. Instead, an inexcusable drowsiness set in as the world finished shifting. Even through her warped and twisted visage, you could see the confusion on her face, Glimmer's thoughts invaded her head. "It's time, we are going to get the last will from my mother then we will return to existence, this will all be over soon. "

Her voice came back stronger than he expected "Glimmer I know the truth, the moment you press this errant mission of yours, it will never end for you."

Garett couldn't hear them. His voice came into their minds, lethargic, "Am I being left out of something, or should we get this over with."

"The queen is in there." Glimmer said pointing at a melting toadstool. Its colors flashed, its shape pulsing. A small door at the bottom grew rapidly as they approached a grand hall lined with a large crescent table on either side, following the walls. Glowing mushroom scattered all along the wall it was shifting and changing in luminosity making the surrounding place feel warped and twisted. The room was full of empty seating. A woman with brilliant black fairy wings stood opposite them holding the paper they needed.

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