Chapter 9 A Place Where People Aren't

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Glimmer was Finally home after all these years. They were in an empty forest surrounded by trees. The sound of chopping off in the distance caught their attention. Glimmer started walking toward it, Elenor followed. They came upon a rugged shirtless man with great fairy wings coming out of his bare back, he was chopping down a tree. He stopped when he saw them coming "Hail, Brother Glimmer I never thought I'd see you again, at least not after you were tossed out. Where does your journey take you?"

Elenor stepped up her eyes glowing as a sign to the woodsman. "The first task on our journey Is to slay the great beast protecting the First Will of the Divine Arcane ."

His eyes grew before her. He bowed deeply to her. "I apologize, I was not aware I was in the company of such greatness"

Elenor laughed "You know Elenor, you could just let me relay the information." she laughed as if someone said something, The woodsman stayed low. Glimmer walked over to him and placed his hand on the bare shoulder. He arose as Elenor said, "Sorry about that the dragon spoke through me." She let out another laugh, "I'm just a woman nothing more. And I wish for a Friend, not a follower. Stand up, friend, tell me how can I get to... what was it again, Oh! Yea, The First Will of the Divine Arcane." She rolled her eyes at herself. "Okay, so where to my fine fellow?"

Glimmer laughed at her misunderstanding. "We journey to the land of Gilgaria, the seat of the first power. The blessed tale, the one that never ceases." After he pointed off in the direction they went he returned to his chopping after a simple bow. The distant sound of an axe on wood, eventually resumed, "There is no place, in the land of the Fae, only The Journey."

"Wait how are we going to get to the 'land of Gilgaria'" She said stumbling over the name.

"Everything you see is an illusion, we all know it is. why not pretend? At the very least it can be enjoyable. As you humans like to say we 'use our imagination' after all it is all we have.'" As he was saying this he plucked an apple out of the tree and tossed it to her. "The people of Gilgaria are an ancient people who live in caves, near a more temperate part of the forest." The forest was already changing the trees became smaller the foliage changed, and it got a little hot.

The noises of larger creatures shook the earth as their giant feet came stepping just into view. "Is it dangerous?" She asked reaching out to push some tall grass out of the way

His response was not encouraging. "Very." They pushed on ahead keeping quiet as they moved. The trees and grass gave way to a clearing. In the center of a low valley was a short cliffside. Little constructions out front marked the life that lived in there. "They are called Gilfolk." She could see them, they looked like men hunched over covered in furs, with an assortment of smaller flying fairies flying up the cliff face. "they don't speak a lot... or well. Just bear with me and I'll get us to the First Will." He stepped out, and she followed, their clothes changed to the same simple furs. They were not covering much.

Elenor messed with the fringes of her new garments. showing off a little more skin than she was used to. "Do these clothes have to be so revealing?"

"You're a dragon you can change it," he said laughing under his breath.

"That is what she said." Elenor sighed. "I was wondering if they will say anything about us looking different."

"Oh no, we don't look like anything as we move through The Journey, everyone sees what they see nothing more." his vague answer seemed to infuriate her at first, but she quickly calmed down, an answer in her head.

Some of the locals came walking up to them, a short stalky man flanked on either side by men holding spears, they seemed friendly, Glimmer recognized one of them Greeting him shouting "Gar!"

When Gar got close enough, he punched Glimmer in the stomach.

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