Chapter 8 A New Type Of Friend

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"Glimmer," Elenor was shaking him. "Glimmer wake up." When he opened his eyes her aura was like a dark rose gold shimmer, he'd never seen that before. She smiled, happy to see him. What the hell just happened, it's like I was moved by fate itself.

"I've been lying to you," he confessed.

"Clearly," she scoffed rolling her eyes, "Will you let me in on your plans now." she stood above him.

"I'm Fae," the spoken truth freeing his breath. "I am the prince of the Fae, the only life to have originated from two other Fae. " another deep breath. "I'm not sure what else to say this is the prophecy. 'The firstborn will take the greed into his heart and use it to change existence forever.' It was a gift, from a very powerful and old Dragon that I loved, one of the very first examples of Fae writing."

She thought it over "Right," she was chipper, "where's Clive?"

"We will meet Him again. He may not recognize us, he may even be our enemy, and he could have a different face. But, when you look into his eye, you'll see that special glint that made him so well known" he looked over to the place where he had lost his friends. He stood up brushing himself off, "I thought you would be mad at me."

She smiled at him. "I'm not happy you lied and stole from me, but then you gave me the dragon" Then a pause, and her eyes stared off into nothing. she smiled as her gaze returned, "or rather turned me into a dragon. I think the worst of it was the way you manipulated my emotions to obtain a power that you don't get to wield."

Glimmer's mouth was agape, "how did you know?"

Elenor pointed to her head "It talks to me. The dragon of Greed and Power is tired of your ways, all the lying and the deceit. It is time you got what you want, time to fulfill the prophecy set down by my brother, the Dragon of Prophesy and Time. I wonder if I will get to meet him." there was a pause then she said "Oh, apparently I will after you achieve what you want most. would be willing to sacrifice all that you have materially?"

He looked down at his empty hands, "I want to give up more, I want to give up my exile."

Elenor lifted his chin, her hands were warm, "I am no Genie I do not grant wishes, but I can aid you in removing the barriers that divide The Journey from The Existence. But to do so would fundamentally alter the way the two worlds have experienced each other."

Glimmer was lost in her eyes like he needed them. The golden glow in the white of her eyes denoted when the dragon spoke through her, or maybe with her, Glimmer wasn't sure. "It was what the prophesy spoke. it's all I've wanted since the fae cast me out and I saw what The Existence has created."

Elenor put her hand on his shoulder, her eyes aglow "Then it is decided, time to return to The Journey. Where we begin our Quest to end the separation between our two worlds." time resumed around them, but they were nowhere to be seen.

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