Chapter 13 A Breakable Promise

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Promises are the best tool evil has in its tool belt. You have an ally that trusts you, and you can get exactly what you want, whether or not you keep it. Humans think it has the capability of proving a man good by holding onto it. Another lie evil tells to keep the good mailable so that they can be used when they are needed. Glimmer knew this, the promises he kept were few, and the people who cared that he kept them, were all gone anyway.

What he did know, was that Elenor the Dragon mistrusted him. It was Elenor the human who came up to talk to her, "It refuses to trust you," she started. Glimmer was overcome, he let out a long sigh before saying, but remained silent Elenor continued. "I watched you use me to get this power, and the dragon made it clear that it will uphold its end of the bargain, even if it does not want to.

"What about you Elenor? Will you help me take the Second Will?" Elenor thought about it for a moment, "As long as you come and save me if the trouble ever arises."

He nodded. "I Promise,"

She smiled thanks but I know you'll save me if something goes wrong. I want a different promise. I want you to promise me..." she left it hanging. The anticipation urged him to speak, but he fought back "I need you to promise me you're not the villain."

"I don't hold the power to judge that which only history can. Holding the promise will be easy whether or not I am the one to bring evil back into The Existence." he frowned. "But I will promise one step further, I will do everything in my power not to be your villain."

"I mean it Glimmer, this thing thinks what you're going to do will destroy The Existence and The Journey," she said looking into his eyes.

"I would believe it, I plan to merge one with the other. But I don't think it will hurt anyone, Fae or Human." He said back validating her fear.

"Not even the Dragons know what would happen if you did that," she said relaying the Dragon's words.

" I know," he said confidently, "The Existence and all its mortality will fall upon the Fae. And the power of The Journey will defuse into The Existence bringing about, the Final age of Life," he said casually.

"How do you know?" Elenor asked.

"The Dragon of Truth and Goodness wrote it at the dawn of time," he said. "I found it in Gilgaria deep in the Mythos. The Fae around me Denied it when I brought it to them. I knew differently. The Dragon of Truth was there when I found it. With its last breath, it too asked for a promise. And I will not fail him. With prophesy by our side, I'm not sure I can. When I brought this to my Parents they called me a liar and a thief. And because I wouldn't give up on it they cast me into the human world."

Elenor saw the contriteness he had been displaying with his downward gaze. The truth was uncomfortable. "Go, get ready to receive your second will, I wish to talk with my Dragon."

"Please, Elenor if you do judge me, do it after the prophecy is fulfilled," he said as he turned back to the others who were still plotting on how best to retrieve the Second Will.

"My lord, in this second age the mermaids are the first on our way. I'm not sure that they will be amicable if they are in the middle of a civil war." Garland said as he approached.

"Nevertheless, the mermaids are a friend to all." Glimmer said

"All but other mermaids." Three quipped.

"That is why we brought you. " he pushed his finger into Three's chest. "The Rule of Three might already be stronger in the hearts of the natives here, than in the hearts of men anywhere. When we get to Atlantis, Urscion will greet us gladly, for trial by thrice. Avarian after that with King what's his name. Then that undead place with the nightmare queen. I hated that place, growing up. What was it called?" he paused.

Garland looked at him with pity. "I think you might need a history lesson, my lord. However, the bones of your plan are lined with wisdom." they started walking. Garland became enrobed in armor, a longsword strapped to his back. A long gray robe covered Three topped with a pointy hat. Glimmer didn't change opting for his simple black suit from back in reality.

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