Chapter 22 A Returning Son.

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Somewhere In Fae culture, we decided that it would be perfectly all right to do evil. Glimmer agreed with them, the truth was that Evil made life interesting. Life in The Existence showed Glimmer that boredom was a good thing. It was a harmless human feeling, that spurs them to learn and grow. Boredom may have tainted the hearts of men but the fae are something special. They are never able to slow or stop in The Journey only follow its unceasing call to action. Only be swept away by the never-ending narrative The Journey persists within.

"The queen is in there." Glimmer said pointing at a melting toadstool. Its colors flashed its shape pulsing. A small door at the bottom grew rapidly as they approached. Gar, stayed outside as Elenor and Glimmer entered inside a grand hall lined with a large crescent table on either side. Glowing mushroom scattered all along the wall it was shifting and changing in luminosity making the surrounding place feel warped and twisted. The room was full of empty seating. A woman with brilliant black fairy wings stood opposite them holding the paper they needed. She was a short round woman, and her wings had the glinting starlight wings of royalty .

To the Fae, the warped twisted visuals and the muted intellectual and emotional existence were their first home the heart of the Fae Journey. Glimmer knew the inevitability of the confrontation. It was the world they stood in that made him ache. Glimmer was born in the second age, his own experience here was limited. The woman across from them came up to him holding out the paper. "Take it, " Glimmer hesitated. "The path you choose is a dangerous one. I just want you to know..." Tears were forming in her eyes. "but when you do you will not only lose a mother, you will lose us all.

Glimmer's expression shifted as he cycled through all the ways he saw this going. There was no fight, there was no struggle. Just the plea from the mother that abandoned him. He steeled himself for what came next. His face was like a stone he said "Good bye mother." he turned around in triumphant rejection. His final enemy surrendered, he was now the victor.

"I need you," Erika pleaded tears spilling out of her eyes, sobbing breaking apart her words. They fell on deaf ears, as Glimmer walked coldly out of the room. She fell to the ground weeping.

Elenor followed him out. She looked concerned for him saying "That was despicable she barred her soul and you have nothing to say for it"

His demeanor didn't change, "None of this is real Elenor, that is what we are doing here. There was still the matter of the prophesy that has consumed me since I was a child. A child They brought into their journey unwillingly, then when I found the thing that defined me..." If only they had what he wanted Glimmer would care, "they gave up a long time ago, when they abandoned me to The Existence."

"Did you learn nothing from your existence Glimmer, Love rules The Existence just as much as it rules the journey. It is a guidepost to keep you from spinning off into the void."

Elenor wasn't finished but Glimmer wasn't having it, "words won't stop me Dragon, I will fulfill my destiny." He was tired of this bending twisting hell he once called home. He wanted as far away from here as he could get they made their way back to the forest quietly.

When the large and small switched back. They found themselves under the trees of the forest, Garett explained, "Please forgive the prince's callousness, this is all the life we know."

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