Chapter 16 A Battle Incipient.

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Death in the fae world gives you an opportunity. A chance to look back on what killed you. Then whenever you want you can become living again by asking the local Royalty for a pass to become the Fae you want. But the Tyrant king has become stingy with life, forcing many to wait in long lines and prove that they deserve another life. Lordus the Tyrant king of the second age has it coming. The undead have been a tortured and enslaved race that was ready to fight back.

They sat and ate the food cooked by the local chef. It was surprisingly good for people who don't need to eat. They chatted about the world they lived in. Glaxx helped them understand the intricacies of the undead way of death.

"So you're just dead until the king says so?" Elenor asked

"Life at the speed of Bureaucracy, a damn shame, the people here are some of the greatest heroes that gave what we Fae call life to keep the Journey moving. They deserve to have the Fae life promised them." Glimmer said finishing his plate.

"But Alas Lordus has all but ignored us. Saying that death begets life, it's just that when we die we are recycled, and again we will have to fight for why we want to be by dying." Glimmer explained

"It's just not the life we died for." a rather large monstrous skeleton said as he cleared the table.

"Well let's go find Oromond Havelock and settle this once and for all," Glaxx said standing.

Glimmer leaned back in his chair, he was smiling, looking at Three. "already did that for you."

Glaxx cocked his head in a way that told others of his confusion. "What do you mean?"

With a quick jerk, Three removed her head. In its place was the ghostly apparition of an older gentleman with a quite distinctive mustache. "I am him," it spoke.

Three's head sitting on the table said, "We just need the Silver Lich."

"But Lordus is the Silver Lich," Garland complained

"That is why we must push the prophecy we will have the Merfolk and the Harpies. It shouldn't be hard for you to rally the troops to fight one last time, to take back your home, and give others here a better chance at life." Glimmer encouraged,

"how do you plan on encouraging the Silver Lich to help?" Elenor asked,

"By killing him. He no longer deserves to hold the power."

"There is none other than the first Benevolent king who should step back into the role." Three said trying to get a good look at Oromond.

"What about the Leviathan and the Roc?" Elenor asked.

Glimmer gave another smirk at Three. Her body was sitting, it removed its leg and arm placing them on the table next to her head. "The Silver Lich sent them to the reverse to hide them and keep them from the prophecy. Go, Glaxx, Rally the troops while we secure the mermaids, the Harpies will meet you on the main road."

Three put herself back together and they walked out of the tavern through a back entrance. It put them not far away from Merlake. On the way back Elenor had a question. "Why didn't you just tell the Merfolk and Harpies that you had it the whole time."

Glimmers' response was simple. "The merfolk would not have believed me and I would have to dispel the spell holding him that size. Then using him in the fight will be harder for old Oromond here. "He slapped Three on the back Knocking his arm loose. It wobbled out and began Flailing. "The harpies wouldn't fight if they already had what they wanted."

They arrived at the lakeside this time three soldiers came out of the water to greet them One of them Was Urscion. He was Flanked By two others. "Already back?" he asked Glimmer casually.

"My lord I have secured the Leviathan and are ready to march" Glimmer reported.

"Where is it?"

Three removed his leg, handing it to Glimmer, who handed it off to King Urscion, then explained. "Lordus kept it from you by binding it to Oromond Havelock, with the roc and tossing them into the reverse."

"Where you found them, no doubt?" Urscion reasoned, with an eyebrow raised.

"By following the prophesy" Glimmer explained. Taking back the leg and giving it back to Three. "Garland and Three will help you set up, and show you where to go." Urscion sent his men to retrieve the troops. He took Elenor aside "We don't have the time to fight this fight. You and I will ignore the battle and head straight into the castle the Second will lie in the throne room behind the throne."

"So we just let them fight?" Elenor said shocked

"This is their fight besides they have Three." Glimmer answered

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