Chapter 3 A Detective Investigates.

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Humans live on Earth, before Pangea the Fae did too. Now they have no home in The Existence, instead deciding to live in the spaces between here and there, a different kind of nomad. A nomad with no regard for reality. To speak to them is no different from speaking to a distant friend, that is unless The Fae you speak to bends the world to show you their truths, or maybe their favorite lies. That is their power to bend reality. If The Journey requires it The Existence is a tool The Fae use to get to where they need to be. They don't stop, Glimmer does, he falls in love with the human way of life. Sitting, eating, and drinking with not a care in the world, was his new favorite way to pass the time.

You see the Fae world is not a place to go visit. There will be no vacations, no rest, only an impossible need for getting things done. The food is not enchanted like you would think, it is simply that good, it's to die for. But if the taste of the wonderful food doesn't make you stay, the sweeping grasp of The Journey will.

Inside The Journey, reality doesn't have any hold. The world is constantly shifting around you but none of it matters because you have a mission, always something to do. There are whole years of Glimmer's life that were spent Traveling underground with the ancient dwarves, yet another decade as a simple tree frog. Life In The Journey is not yours.

Elenor was a mousey delicate woman. Her tears were showing the misfortune of her life that was soon to be remedied by his ingenuity. Ember was dressed as an ordinary street officer, comforting her.

"Her grandmother's priceless Family necklace seems to have gone missing." She said as she walked by, handing him her notepad. He flipped open the pad to read the words. "This is a bore" The word 'bore' was underlined twice. Her saying that, is akin to a human saying "I'm uncomfortable at home". He looked back at her, concerned.

After slipping a pen out of his front pocket. He wrote, "The Journey starts soon." He slipped the pen back into his pocket closed the notepad and walked over to where Elenor was sitting. "Elenor, I'm Detective Grae." He extended his hand her surprise was mixed with a small yearning to see his bright smile.

She took his hand and shook it. "Detective Grae, good to finally hear your name."

"Look I know I came off a little Creepy, I admit I'm not very good at conversation. If you want I could have another detective assigned to the case."

"No, I don't think that will be necessary," she said wiping her last few tears away.

"I'm glad to hear that, now, about your grandmother's necklace, do you have any suspects who want to take it from you?"

her curly hair bounced neatly with the shake of her head. "my parent passed a decade or so back, my brother does not need jewelry. But he is on the moon so it's likely that he wasn't involved, and my close friend has borrowed in the past if she had it she would have told me." she stood in front of him, her mouth looking for words. "I just don't know who or even why anyone would break into my home and take my grandmother's necklace.

"I would be confused too. I have so few problems as a detective. I only see individuals suffering from mental illness and occasional petty theft. All the complicated cases are solved and all the bad ones end up as victimless crimes of opportunity, was it just laid out?"

"yes, I leave it out as a constant reminder of my mother and grandmother." she smiled as memories flooded her mind, he could feel her joy reaching out for him. He smiled back, then took in a deep breath saying "I will take a look at the overseer he will show us what happened,"

"I've never been to the overseer." He could see the fear drip off her.

"There's nothing to fear, it just tells me what I need to know. I'm afraid It's not very interesting" She looked at his smile, her fear subsided.

"The overseer was installed centuries ago as a part of the plan to restore order after the planet was contacted by the Counsel of Good." He explained.

"The Counsel of Good always sounded like a really good cover name for something awful." She laughed. "but they have proven my entire life, not to have ill intent."

It was only a few blocks away, the streets were never very busy around the overseer's entrance. Above the entrance to the overseer was the phrase "Good must stand by Good."

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