Chapter 10 A Simple Life

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The blow to Glimmer's gut had them both hugging and laughing. The two men behind Gar did nothing "Glimm, well?" he grunted more than said.

"Glimm do epic Journey." Glimmer said the words stilted.

"Journey and Beautiful lady?" Gar said looking over at Elenor, His gaze causing her to move behind Glimmer.

"Gar will lead, Glimm and Lady follow." The two men behind him turned and walked back toward the cliffside village. From a distance, it seemed quite short but as they got closer the cliff seemed to stretch into the clouds. It was decorated with small light platforms. They stopped at a large cave entrance.

"Lady have name," Gar asked. Making a strange kind of conversation.

Elenor had wanted to say 'the Lady is Elenor,' but it came out "Lady Ele," She sounded frustrated when she said it. But Glimmer thought it was cute. The first time he didn't see her as the tool of a prophesy. Maybe it was the amount of skin showing or maybe it was the face she made when she realized what would happen if she spoke.

"Lady Ele, Brand Strong." his goal was to inform her that he thinks she carries herself with strength and conviction. His face told Glimmer that she wasn't sure how to communicate.

"Indeed brother, brand strong." he smiled back at her. The dragon was interpreting.

"Glimm Seeks First Will," he said confidently.

"What First Will?" Lady Ele asked, her tone demure.

"First Will of Divine Arcane, We not forgotten" The First Will of the Divine Arcane, was as such 'Never forget the people in the story'. Glimmer was never sure if they figured that out. or just give the same tired response their ancient minds could forge. "End First Will, end life."

Glimmer started walking into the cave. The others followed saying, "Life Gar Knows."

Gar stumbled after him, "What other life?" he begged not fully grasping what the Will needed.

"Gar follow Gar learn." They walked deeper into the cave stories of all kinds littered the walls. Elenor almost got lost catching herself getting distracted then catching back up only to be distracted by another... Glimmer and Gar outpaced her, and she just kept staring, the words and images keeping her distracted like a very greedy reader.

Glimmer noticed her hanging back and pressed on unconcerned knowing the Dragon of greed and Power could take care of herself and find their way to the First Will.

Glimmer and Gar found their way to the Divine's Will. It was a small piece of paper laid flat on an ornate golden plinth as he got closer he saw some text. It said three simple words. 'Evil Wishes Loss'

Glimmer picked it up nothing happened no one motioned to stop him. It was the first warning to the Fae and a simple one at that. Elenor came from behind, "Forgetting Lady Ele, cruel." Her Eyes Glowed. Her voice came out different, excited. "Stories, wonders, hunts, giants, on walls, from heart.

She looked at Gar whose shocked face bowed immediately, "Greed Dragon, presence is honor."

"Gar, rise" She walked over to him touching him on the shoulder. Dragon companion, Gar friend." He straightened up as best he could, his eyes avoiding hers.

"What news Glimm?" she asked. She was finally getting used to the strange way of speaking.

"The First Will, he said showing her the mostly empty page. Another much older man entered the hallway "Gar, and Interlopers, return Will," he shouted flanked by the spearmen they had previously met.

"Everything Must Change," Gar shouted. Still straight as an arrow.

"Change, Loss, evil wishes both," he said wisely.

"Glimm has Greed Dragon" Gar warned.

"If so Dragon must Die." the Elder

Elenor Gasped. Before her Eyes began to glow. "Krik Fight, Krik becomes loss," she growled

Krik showed the slightest hesitation, "Loss becomes fate, Fate is lost." he warned wisely knowing that his words would come true. The two soldiers came at them with spears out one of them targeted Gar the other attacked Glimmer. Glimmer took care of his man quickly knocking the spear away and delivering a swift kick to the chest. Gar was a little more violent, on his side were two solid clubs, the first one broke the spear as he swung it. The second came down on the man's head killing him. The act had Krik stunned. "This loss, loss to all," he said as he turned and walked away.

Gar was enraged, panting heavily, Elenor walked over to her new compatriot placing her hand on his shoulder "Calm friend, Time for change." she said calming him down. "Follow, Second Will Beckons."

"Gar join, Lady Ele." Gar looked into her Eyes the gold was gone. "Gar lead way." they walked out. A crowd formed they were chanting "Evil, comes." Krick was hiding among the rabble, his eyes held great fear. Gar walked proudly in front of Elenor and Glimmer, as they made their way back into the forest, to resume their journey.

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