Chapter 18 A Bloody Moon

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Glimmer and Elenor made their way to the forest edge. "What's going to happen to Three and Garland?" Elenore asked as they entered the towering trees that marked the edge of the journey. I suspect that Garland will find his way to us he knows the plan. Three, or should I say Oromand, Either way, I suspect that he will have a great time being the next benevolent king."

They continued into the forest "We have more pressing matters to attend to. We're heading into Victorian time with Vampires and werewolves and the like."

Elenor's eyes grew wide. "Is it like all those old stories, back on Earth?" she asked excitedly. Glimmer thought back to the little he had of a chance to explore pre-post-modern views of the humans back in The Existence.

"What do you remember about those tales?" He asked hoping it would jog his memory.

"Vampires are a superior race of human that feed of the bodies of the other humans. They like Blood, Being sexy, power. Dislikes are crosses Garlic and Sunlight. The werewolves on the other hand are fiercely pack oriented and they adore Being wolves under the light of a full moon, and hunting and sniffing and like a cuddly dominance."

"That sounds like an apt description if you add that the vampire's lust for power is what is holding us back from the Final Will of the divine arcane. They have taken to consuming the souls of the humans before harvesting their blood. It's a gruesome hobby the Fae have taken too here but the thralls they have in their command are there of their own free will." Glimmer shrugged "The Journey takes all passengers. So getting in is going to be a problem. But not only that the vampires hate me more than any and the last two I was working with, well... one betrayed me stabbing the other." The forest ended abruptly a railing preventing them from walking out onto the road.

Glimmer nodded to a nearby post with two horses tied to them. But Elenor was distracted by the fresh new clothing. Layers of heavy blue and white fabrics made it quite a sight. Glimmer was oddly adorned with a top hat his usually black suit he likes grew tails. Glimmer walked up to her spinning excitedly as the fabric fanned away from her. When she stopped she took advantage of Glimmer's open jaw using a finger to his chin she helped him close it. With the other hand she took hold of one of the reigns, and she mounted the horse side saddle.

"I Loved the romance of this era of stories. The passion overflowed." Elenor reminisced and he got on his own horse. "House Miratelli Rules here. Their Patriarch, an ancient vampire only comes out to feed and get the news of the day. He has no lust for life, his betrothed Constantina the mother rules all of it. Under them are more houses than one can count."

"Ember her daughter is the one that attempted stopping me before you..." he left it there unsure of how to finish.

Elenor picked it up for him "...Connected me with the most beautiful dragon ever." she added excitedly

"Yeah, well, she stabbed for me but Glint jumped in the way. That was the last I saw of them I'm concerned that we will be reuniting soon. And they know I'm coming for the Last Will." he shook his head.

"What about the wolves, they live amongst the local vampire livestock biting back at the greedy hands of the Miratelli family. The wolves have quite the upper hand but only at certain times of the year."

"Where are they?"

Glimmer pointed the way they were heading. "Ramsheart, A small village only about twenty people, most of them a single pack and a few ragged humans they freed from the clutches of the vampires. "The alpha is named Bronson. He's an old impartial family friend, I'm not sure how happy he is going to be to see me."

"What's he like?"

Her small questions warranted her a curious look, so Glimmer explained "He is a lone alpha he lost his mate to the second age. He's never really recovered but he helps his little pack save people so surly he can help us."

"Please tell me, is he handsome..." Elenor said, the thoughts in her mind tending toward the lascivious.

"Down, girl." Glimmer said "He is hurting right now don't do anything rash."

She let out a slight giggle. "who else is there?" she asked.

"There's Dani the explosives expert, and her wife Kira the cook. Rogue, Bronson's right-hand woman truly runs the show. Rogue has two kids Lanna and TJ. Then there is the man who tinkers, they keep him in his workshop, I don't recall his name, off-hand, I never met him. Kara the newest recruit lost her entire pack in one day to the Miratelli matriarch." He pointed at the town appearing behind the trees. Ramsheart was indeed a small town. Only a few houses nestled in the trees, red roofs sticking out of the green landscape.

When they got closer, a white building hid deeper in the trees. It was the town hall. A few people were walking around some carrying goods they got a few stares as they approached the town hall and tied up the horses at a post. They dismounted and entered the town hall. Inside a young woman sat next to the man of the same age. The man stood, a look of shock on his face. "Glimmer is that you? I thought that when I saw Ember return, I knew that you would be back." the young lady stood up after him her eyes wide. She was staring at Elenor, "You did it." She said bowing.

"I hate being treated like some royal. You must be Lanna and TJ no need to bow, we are all friends. "

"Sorry I thought you...

"Yes, I'm the Golden Dragon of Greed and Power. But I don't want to make a whole thing of it." she urged, then let out a long sigh.

Glimmer patted the young man on the shoulder. "Your mother around?" he asked

"She went to trade with Lekham they have the wheat we need," TJ explained.

"She should be back within the hour." Lana added.

"Bronson around?" Glimmer said walking back out the way they came.

"Yeah I'll show you to him." TJ grabbed the door for them, holding it open.

"Last I heard he was in the workshop. The old coot thinks that he may have found his way into the Miratelli wine cellar." They walked behind the town hall, then a ways further. Deeper in the forest was a moderately sized building with a tin roof, and several large antennae stuck out like weeds. TJ opened the large barn door. Inside was one of the most handsome men in the journey. He turned to look at who entered his eyes caught Elenor's, and she blushed. The awkward silence was cut off by the other man in the room. The madman they had been talking to was Garland. "It took you guys long enough," he said with a broad smile.

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