Chapter 20 An End to a Legacy.

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When they finished the fruit and drink before walking the short distance to the small town of Nightvale, it had the same Red roofs as the little village in the trees. The large building in the center was their target. But they were going by sewer, Garett opened a manhole cover and they all descended. It was foul-smelling as usual, but the mission was exciting. After some time wandering the underground maze, Garett stopped them at a blank wall marked with an X. "This is it, on the other side is where the Patriarch sleeps."

"Is he going wake up, when we open the door?" Dani asked.

"If he does I will take care of him myself" Garett reassured her

Garett began sticking the bricks against the wall. Each one marked the corner of a place that, once they were a safe distance away, would let them through.

The mission once begun had to be done fast. Garret stayed back as the four of them, each found a post in the room and placed the bricks on them. Bronson walked up to the top of the stairs where the door to the rest of the house was, his job was to lock and block the door. It didn't take long for the door to open, but the team was gone before that could happen. The explosion shook the sewers as they began walking back home.

They got to the sewer entrance laughing jovially, and chatting amongst themselves. When they all got out thirty or so people were at the far end of the road "Over there!" one of them shouted. A crowd of people started running at them.

Bronson was out first he stood his ground. The ladies were next ready to back him up. Then Glimmer saw Ember amongst the crowd.

As Elenor was lifting herself out of the manhole, Bronson complained " A night with no moon may be the end of us."

Elenor's golden eyes looked at the moon "If you think we can." she said giggling. Her eyes glowed with the intensity of the sun. Dani, Rogue, and Bronson began to howl with excitement as their skin grew hair and they gained their snouts full of gnashing teeth. Elenor had to stay transfixed on the moon. Glimmer and Garett surrounded her. The fighting didn't take long, the three werewolves fought fiercely. But a few slipped by knowing if they stopped the woman with the glowing eyes the moon would go away. Glimmer wings stopped them saying. "It's too late for you, do you think you can stop a Dragon?" this got him sneering.

One of them was Ember, "You fool we don't need to stop the Dragon we need to stop you."

Garett was standing next to him. "Sister! you betray us?"

Glimmer dodged a swing of her blade. His breath was getting heavy, "After all that time in The Existence you betray us for what?"

"For your mother, and the world she has made for us here." she was swinging wildly. Glimmer was carefully dodging all her strikes.

"The world that my mother has set up," he laughed loudly "You mean the world where we constantly quarrel and fight, the prophesy offers us an alternative. A chance to have a place where we don't need to fight to survive."

"We are fighting now because of you," she said her anger coming out in the flurry of her swings.

Glimmer was done talking. His only swing made contact with her shoulder, causing her to drop her sword.

"We have been through this before Ember. The werewolves and vampires fight when they don't need to. All for a lack of space in The Journey."

"Just like the Mermaids, Harpies, and Undead of the second age. Glimmer offers us a chance at something different, something we have never had before." Garrett urged as Ember stumbled backing away her eyes full of horror.

"That is why I have support," Glimmer said as she bumped into the three werewolves that had stopped all her friends.

"Go, Ember tell Constantina that we are coming for the Third Will of the Divine Arcane." Elenor looked at her.

"We don't have it anymore Glimmer, your mother came to get it not that long ago," Constantina said appearing behind Elenor, a dagger to her throat. Elenor was laughing.

"Do you really think you can kill a Dragon, Mother?" Garett said walking over to her and putting her hand in his. The thought of it made her hands move. She bowed apologizing for the threat.

"You made the right decision the Dragon wants you dead for threatening me like that. However, I am willing to let you live if you promise that the werewolves will not be retaliated against until Glimmer has finished the mission." Elenor said offering her a chance at life.

"Just know Glimmer there will be repercussions for the acts done here today. The Dragon won't be here to protect you forever." she spat turning into a bat and Flitting away.

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