Chapter 12 A Three-fold Problem.

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Inside the global human imagination sits a special number. It's binding holding our stories together with great care. While numbers are the invention of humans, the Idea the humans call 'The Rule of Threes.' was Fae. It was something they thought up, even before people graced Elenor's precious Earth. A tool used on people, keeping them from thinking too big. The limit of human imagination is kept at bay by a simple and small number. Now humans can easily think past that. Just imagine what they could do without that limit. Maybe tribalism wouldn't have ruled for most of their existence.

Now, the only thing keeping them from entering the Fae world are the three rules set down by the Divine Arcane. Glimmer could feel the first one in his pocket, as he thought about how to best go about getting the next. He listened as Garland explained the problem to Elenor, as they made their way back into the forest.

"Our next prize is in Arthuria. It all started when the humans did that whole ruler thing you people became so fascinated with. We thought we would try it. The first Ruler of the kingdom of Arthuria was King Frank. I know nothing special, but that's how he wanted us to refer to him saying something about the king always having a plain name."

"If he is benevolent, then will he just let us take it?" If he were still the king yes but now Lordus had saken the throne and is making it more difficult for the undead to rejoin the living

Three laughed "yeah hell let us have it after we trash his three legions of warriors, and all the magical creatures under him employ."

"I see and how is she supposed to help" Elenor said pointing at Three who's left arm fell off in a fit of laughter.

She caught it with her right, "We talked about this." she muttered putting it back on. "you know the rule of three?" Three asked

"Yeah," Elenor said frustrated by the useless question.

"You're looking at him" she said smugly

Elenor had no idea what to do with that. "Do you mean that you're the original three things or something like that?"

"Well, I am made of three things." She said posing for her to get a good look. She pointed at her right leg, "this was a mermaid's leg." next she held up her left arm, "the arm of a harpy, and the head of Dullahan. Also, my right eye is the one the fates used to see the future."

Elenor counted in her mind "But that's four things."

"That's hardly important," Glimmer said. Patting his friend on the shoulder, causing it to slip loose.

Three kept it from falling out. "what's important is that I can see the future, in a way"

"Perhaps the dragon of greed could help?" Garland urged

"She stopped talking to me, she said 'If I won't use her power then she will wait until Glimmer gets what he wants.'" Elenor explained. " last thing she said was "The real world is too concerned with things that have and will pass.' I think she fell asleep."

"When will you see that you are the Dragon Elenor and you could help us most of all. This is your story, grab it by the reigns and help us." Glimmer pleaded as the trees slowly became coniferous and the trunks of the trees became quite rotund.

"The way I see it the Dragon is protecting me, not you, Glimmer." Elenor said turning her back on him, "in fact why don't you three go ahead, we will be just fine in the forest here." The face she made told Glimmer that she was not changing her mind.

"Your right, stay here on the edge of the forest we will take care of this, without you." Glimmer said leaving Elenor at the edge of the giant trees.

"Did you need to be so short with lady Elenor, Master Grae?" Garland asked with a growing concern.

"My name is Glimmer, it would be best if you remembered that." Glimmer was not happy. The dragon should have already awakened, it should be doing this for him. But yet he bickers with the woman

Three was quietly walking beside them, "That little girl is a Dragon?" She asked her mouth agape.

"Have you ever met one, Three?" Garland asked changing the subject.

"Three in fact, I met the father of dragons, the dragon of nobility and honor, or something like that. I forget his name. The next was... Kellion the dragon of death and pain. It wasn't until I met Mu, the Dragon of prophesy and fate, that my mind changed about them, he was the first and only dragon that made me understand that dragons rarely have time for the journey much less human affairs, that is unless someone saves them from oblivion."

"This one seems not to care at all the fate of Fae and Men alike. Elenor's silence is quite frustrating." Glimmer stopped, "I just can't remember where the Harpies roost these days." he was looking at some mountains off in the distance behind a castle made of sturdy grey stone."

"If this is the second age, they are roosting at Feather Peak," Garland supplied, adding, "The Merfolk were having a civil war early in the second age too, the carnage stayed in the lake, but the mistrust took root in their hearts. And Lordus is on the throne with a stranglehold on Life

"Alright we have work to do," Glimmer said making his way for the lake near the castle.

Elenor stopped him shouting, "Wait, Glimmer can we talk privately?" 

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