Chapter 2 A Horror Most Foul

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It's a common understanding that The Fae is another creation of the same being that made the humans. The creator imbued them with an uncanny ability to manipulate the Magic found in the inherent improbability of the universe. Humans were animals The fae world is an itinerant Spirit not trapped in form and sensation, guided by understanding and the Will of the Divine Arcane. That is to say, they were given an incredibly uncanny ability that made them superior to humans in every way. They were never animals killing one another in violent displays. No one Fae has ever once harmed another Fae. At least none were recorded in the great records that dated back to before Pangea slipped away. These ancient beings that danced the waltz with human history have the unique ability to ignore what we humans call reality. With it, they shape and mold humans like a younger sibling. Gently guiding them deeper into the magics that the humans dipped their toes into when their technological advancement could peak.

Suppose the Fae was like the older sibling. As time passes we see humans grow, wars have stopped. They have begun to grow in their ethical understanding of the inherent evils of the independent mind. They have begun to share the power that is so desperately needed by the individual.

Johnathan Glimmer Grae was a proud Fae. He was sitting at his desk, eating a salad. Glint casually walked into the room holding a bag of cheeseburgers, and sat across from him. He opened the bag and opened one of the burgers Saying "Ember, wanted you to know that your dear Elenor has signed up for some personal training, that could be your in."

"She is a Dancer what does she need a personal trainer for." Glimmer thought aloud.

"she said she wanted to bulk up, something about an acting gig. Maybe it's because of creeps coming up to her in coffee shops. Or maybe it's like Ember said 'she wants to get stronger...'" Glint shot back before he bit into a cheeseburger. It was a mess but Glint had laid some napkins down.

"No that is not a good idea, She will just assume I leer at the women. I could be a cook at the next restaurant she goes to, did you take care of the boyfriend?" A large glob of various sauces dripped out of the sandwich and fell into a napkin on Glint's chest.

He finished the bite before explaining, "Don't Worry boss Ember has got a plan. Turns out he hasn't been faithful to her." Glint took a drink from a cup. "What an awful man."

Glimmer finished his bite and then asked "What was her family life like?"

Her father was proud of her gymnastic career but when she tore that ligament, her move to acting did not impress him." the mother is that typical passive supportive type that doesn't have much to say."

"Siblings?" Glimmer inquired further.

"One, a younger brother, not much to say, he is a guard at the prison colony on the moon. He has two years left." He took a large bite.

"So a dancer and an actor, a woman of many arts." Glimmer mused. Putting the rest of his salad in the trash. He was going to have an early dinner. He stood up and walked over to the large bookshelf by a window and took down a book that looked as old as time. "Finally after all these endless years our dear friend's wish will finally come true." he opened the book ancient handwriting covered the page.

"She has a friend, Her name is Frankie, a rather loud hairdresser." He finished his burger, and after taking a drink he reached into the bag retrieving another. "I went in today, She is quite good."

His hand was caressing the text on the page. "I think it would work well if something innocuous was stolen from her. I can be the detective that comes to her side." Glimmer mused as he put the book back onto the shelf.

"She has a cat maybe it disappears." Glint said before taking a big bite of his next burger.

"I don't think it would look good if the creep from the coffee shop had her cat." Glimmer vetoed

"Her grandmother's necklace. I'll slip in and grab it when I'm done with this." he held up his burger.

"Did she love her grandmother?" Glimmer asked genuinely curious.

"she did, they would play games and talk together to pass the time," Glint said to a distracted Glimmer staring idly at a bookshelf.

"Good make it happen," Glimmer mumbled thoughts of the old book filling his head. glint walked out of the room after throwing away the detritus of his meal.

Glimmer walked over to the window and thought quietly to himself. 

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