Chapter 6 The nightmares begin

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It's been about six months since I last saw Daniel and latly I've been having some strange and scary nightmares about him and their increasing every night.
The last one I had was me laying on a red and black couch with blood coming from down from my neck and a male figure next to me but can't see his face because its blurry.
That's just one of the dreams that I've been having recently. Another dream it that looking at myself in the mirror and I'm cover with some else's blood.I know it's one hell of a dream.
On the bright side,since Daniels been gone I've made new friends and got a boyfriend, emo by the way. I figured that I had to open up to people in order to not being alone.
Things around town are the same with some what increasing in people being killed at night. My dad gave pepper spray for me to defend myself if we're to happen to me. His always telling me not be alone during the night. So far nothing's has happened to me and would like to keep it that way.
I was out late with a friend and we were headed to a party that a couple of my friends held at their house. When we got there we saw that it was packed with people that I've never seen before but kept staring at me the entire time I was their, it's like they wanted to eat me or something.
After a few hours I decided to leave since my friend was completely drunk and was following a guy upstairs. As I was walking home I felt as if someone was fallowing me but when I turned back I didn't see anyone. Continued walking until I decided to look back and saw nothing once again. Then a couple of minutes later I took a short to cut to get home faster, an ally.
Walking through the ally I heard men walking and talking behind me. So once they saw me they went after me. "Where do you think you're going hot stuff?"one asked.
"None of you're business" I spat.
They started to get closer and pulling my hair and my arms.
"Don't touch me"I yelled. "Don't be like that we just want to have fun"one said. "Well,you can have fun with out me" I said.
That only made them angry. "Please stop" I tried shaking the off but I couldn't and searched for the stay that my dad gave me but I didn't find it. "Leave her alone" I heard some yell. When I looked up it was my boyfriend Cole. "Cole I'm so glad that your here"I said.
He ran towards me pushed me behind him. Then he wiped them all out. By the time he got there I was trembling and sensed that I was still in trouble. While waking back to my house he kept close to me. Then thing took a turn for the worst."Rose have you ever wanted something so badly?" He asked.
"Um, not that I remember" I answered. "Well I have, I'm sorry Rose" he pushed me onto a wall and pinned me so I couldn't move.
His eyes turned red and fangs came out and his mouth was making its was to my neck. I didn't know what was going to happen to me afterwards.
"Don't you dare put you're dirty fangs on her neck" I heard someone yell. When I noticed I saw Daniel standing infront of us.

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