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"I love you, Rose"Daniel confessed. A smile spread across my face, I couldn't be happier. "So why does the council want to kill me again ?" I asked. "Because I fell in love with you,the council forbids vampires and mortals to get along much less to fall in love. But I don't care, I will protect you from any harm that may come you're way. I promised" he said.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Someone besides my family cares about me. "Do you mean it?"i asked. "Yes I do" he stated.
A warm smile spread across my face and all of the sudden he turned red like tomato. "Why are blushing ?" is asked. He didn't know where to hide at that point. "Daniel" I called out to him. "Huh?"he said. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Yeah it's just that vampires,when that find someone they love they kinda imprint or mark each other during..."he said.
"During...?" I said. "Well you know a wolves mate?!" he said.
My eyes widened when he said that about the wolves because I quickly catched on what he was trying to tell me. I didn't know what to say.

My emo vampire storyWhere stories live. Discover now