The next morning...

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The next morning, I woked up to see myself in the arms of Daniel. I manage to shift in his arms so i could looke at him. You would think that vampires dont sleep but he was sound a sleep.
He looked cute and peaceful while he slept. Then i got the erge to head to the bathroom to pee,so I got out of his arms without waking him up.
I couldnt find any of me clothes so I grabbed his shirt that was throwned on the floor since last night. When I put on my body it looked really big.
I headed towards the bathroom and peed. After that I brushed my theeth and headed back to the room.
As I walked back to the room I saw Daniel sit up on the bed And when he saw that I wasnt with him on the bed he started to panic but when he saw me come out of the bathroom he relaxed.
I sat next went over and sat next to him on the bed. He was still sleepy, you could tell by the yawning and by him rubbing his head. Wrapping my arms around his cold neck I said good morning. "Morning"he said back. Then a warm smile spread on his face.
"What?"I asked."Youre wearing my shirt" he stated. I was wearing his band shirt that said "Fall out boy".
"I guess I am" I said playfully and kissed his cheek. He did the same but then he tackled me backwards and started to tickle me. I got to the point that I couldn't breath.
"Okay,okay...I surrender!"I said. Then he stopped and looked at me deeply. "Does it hurt?"he asked. I got confused at his words. "What do you mean?"I asked. "You're shoulder!"he said concerned.
I stood and went over to the mirror. Moving the neck line to see my shoulder I saw a bite mark but it didn't looked like and ordinary bite. It was two small wholes in my shoulder.
I traced my fingers over it. Then Daniel stood behind me looking at me through the mirror. I looked at him and said "um, I didn't noticed and it doesn't hurt at all" I stated.
Then a warm smile spread across his lips while looking at me but then it slowly faded when he remember what had happened the last time ...
"Rose, I need to tell you something important...the reason why vampires and humans can't coexist with each other" he said. I just simply nodded.

To be continued...

My emo vampire storyWhere stories live. Discover now