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A couple of days later passed and my parents came back to the cabin. I've been getting mood swings every now and then also weird cravings and when I smelled blood I went crazy and had dry throat as if I wanted to drink it.
Spring was coming to an end as you know Daniel had finally marked me and turned but he said that it was going to take a while the my body takes in the venom. You would think that I would be in pain up to the point if dying but it hasn't been like that at all.
Today was our last day at the beach so we decided to head down and have fun in the water. Once at the beach I helped my mom set up a blanket with chairs while my dad and Daniel set up the BBQ. My parents had invited some if our relatives over so my dad starter to make a lot of hot dogs and burgers.
"Hey, Rose do me a favor and watch your brother while I get something that your father left at the cabin" he commanded. "Sure" I said.
While I was watching my brother I started to get hot and noticed that I had my shorts and my t-shirt on, no wonder I'm hot. I went over to my beach bag and took out sunscreen. Then I sat back down on my BVB towel and took off my shirt and shorts.
Once I had my clothes I started rubbing sunscreen on my body. It wants long before a group of rocker guys passed and let me tell you some thing they were hot but not as hot as my boyfriend hot.
As they were passing infront of me the looked at me as if I was the last coke of the dessert. Their group consisted mostly about emo and scene guys. Seeing that I was "hot" they wistled and I don't know why the hell they did that I'm guessing that they want to die. That's when my dad motioned Daniel to come over me.
To be honest I was getting a bit scared with so many guys around me I mean I get nervous with Daniel when he touches me. "Why are you bothering my girlfriend?" Daniel asked in a protective tone. "Dude, were just talking" one said.
I looked up at them with a serious look plastered on my face. Something came over me and told me that something was wrong. For some reason I had s strange feeling that they hate vampires with all their gut.
"Well, I don't like it and neither does she. So please leave her alone" Daniel exhorted. Daniel wrapped an arm around my shoulder protectively and the guys left. "I leave you alone for five minutes and the wolves attack.
"Wolves?" I asked. He winked at me and grabbed the sunscreen off my hands. "Here, let my help you" he said.
After a couple of minutes my mom came back with the BBQ sauce and some relatives. Let me tell you I haven't seen them in a long time. Unfortunately my entire family consisted of cakkos. If you you are latino you may know what it is. Their basically people that are into reguetton. It's a very sex dirty genre of music that a lot if people listen to.(if u want to know what it is look this names up Coscuyuella or Farruko).
Daniel started to rub the sunscreen on me and my relatives put music on a loud speaker and started playing soccer and volleybol. "Oh really they had to put that shit" I said looking at the speaker. "I don't like it either but well have to endure it" Daniel said.
I told my parents that me and Daniel were going to walk on the beach and left. About an hour later we came back and ate and said hi to everyone. I introduced Daniel to my family and they didn't seem very happy with him.
One of my cousins brought a friend of his that seen I could remember had a thing for me but never liked him one bit. He was always taking about women as sex dolls or objects.
When he saw me he immediately came over to me and hugged me. I tried to push him off but that only made him hold me tighter. Then Daniel stood up and pushed him off me. They were towering against each other as if they were about to fight.
My dad and his dad separated them and that's when things took a bad turn. Both of parents started to argue. "This wouldn't had happen if your daughter had accepted my son" his dad said. "Now your blaming my daughter?" my dad asked. Then the language turned to spanish.
"Tu sabes bien que si tu hija se hubiera quedado con Cristian cosas como estas no pasarian" Su papa dijo.
"My hija no va a estar con un joven que lo unico que sale de su boca es mierda" my papa dijo.
Everyone was really shocked to hear their conversation. If you want to know why they were talking about I'll resume it. They were saying how if would date the other guy stuff like this wouldn't happen ; the fight between him and Daniel. Also my dad said that I would never be with a guy that always talks shit about everything and about women.
The renioun came to a stop an hour later so we cleaned everything and headed to the cabin.
As we were walkin up the stairs off the cabin I got lower back pain and it really hurt. "What's wrong?" Daniel asked. " My back hurts a lot" I stated.
"I'll carry you then" he said and picked me up bridal style to our room.
Since it was such a king day my parents told us that they were going to sleep so that means that Daniel and could talk with any interruptions.
He laid me on the bed and he laid down next to me.
"Latly you've been experiencing a lot of pain" Daniel stated.
"I know. Do you think that it could be the venom?" I asked. "It could be. Every turn is different" he explained.
I looked down and sensed something moving inside my stomach. "Daniel, something moved inside me" I said.
"Huh" he said.
"I felt something moving inside" I said. He had a confused but terrified mixed with anger face. I walked towards the full length mirror on the wall and lifted my shirt. I turned to my side and looked at my belly.
Then realization hit his face. "Can this happen ?" I asked.
"I've never heard about a vampire impregnating a mortal before" Daniel said. Then I saw something moving inside my stomach and fell to my knees with a lot pain through out my body. Daniel ran up to me and when he touched me it stopped. "Are you okay?" he asked worried. "I am now" I said.
"This can't be happening" Daniel said. Then I became overwhelmed and started crying onto his chest.

My emo vampire storyWhere stories live. Discover now