Chapter20: A marked night

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Daniel continued kissing me. He kissed on my jaw line and kept going down. Once he hit my soft spot I let out a loud moan. Then he started to kiss my neck and knew exactly what was going to happen.
I was rubbing up and down his back and his arms. Then Daniel ripped my shirt off and I did the same to his shirt. It kept going like that until we were both completely naked.
"Are you ready?" he asked. "Yeah, do it" I said. Then I felt a sharp pain on my neck and a couple of minutes later it went away.
Daniel and I spent an amazing night together, I just didn't want it end.

The next morning I woke up and when I turned to my side I felt only the cold sheets of the bed. I sat up and for one moment I panicked but quickly relaxed when I heard coking coming from the kitchen. The smell of bacon,pancakes and eggs filled the small room. Let me tell you something my boyfriend can cook like a professional.
Getting out off bed I grabbed Daniels shirt from the floor and put on me. I looked in the mirror and looked huge on my small body.
Headed to the bathroom, I used the toilet and then looked at the mirror and noticed that my hair looks like a birds nest so I took my brush and brushed my hair to look decent enough. After that I brushed my teeth and headed outside to find Daniel still cooking breakfast.
I went behind him and wrapped my arms around his back. "Good morning"I said. He chuckled and turned around in my arms. Then our position changed I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist but kept going down and touched my tush.
"Watch it there" then I smelled something burning. "Your pancakes are burning" I sated. He quickly turned around and flipped them.
I sat on the stool and watched him finish making our food. Then I touched my neck and remember about last night. I held a small mirror that was on the table and looked at my neck. Then I saw a bite mark in the shape of a half moon and two small holes on my neck but it was completely heeled.
I went over it with my thumb and stared at it. Daniel came infront of me with two plates. "Yeah a vampires mark heels fast" he said. He put my plate infront of me and kissed me good morning.
We started eating and then I felt different but shrugged it off and continued eating. Then my phone went off and answered it. "Hello"I said. "Rose, it's mom"the voice said. "Oh hi, how's everything going with work?" I asked.
"Everything is good. I just wanted to know is everything is okay" she said.
"Yeah, everything is fine"Daniel and I looked at each other and smiled.
"Kk. Well we're going be there in a couple of days. If something happens call us up" he said. "Okay sure thing mom" I said and hanged up.
"That was mom she coming back in a few days" I said. "Okay, we'll what do you want to do today?" Daniel asked.
I though about for a couple of minutes. "How about we for a walk later on the beach" I suggested.
"Okay, sure" he said with a giant smile. Everytime he did that it sent me on a blushing mode.
A couple hours later we went on our romantic walk and came back to the cabin. We were in our room when I had to go the bathroom. As I was heading towards the bathroom I stopped infront in a full lenghed mirror. I got curious for some reason and lifted my shirt. Turning to my side and looking in the mirror I touched my belly.
Then I noticed that my stomach was bigger but I soon shook it off and thought that I was retaining liquid and also realized that my period hasn't come yet.
So I made it to the bathroom and felt dizzy and almost fell but two strong arms broke the fall. "Wow, are you okay, Rose?" Daniel asked concerned. "Yeah, just a little bit dizzy that's all" I said. "You better get some rest"he took me to bed bridal style and laid me on our bed.
I slept for a couple hours and woke up to see Daniel sleeping next to me. I smiled and went to sleep again.

Stay tuned for what's coming next.

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