4ever and ever

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Daniel and I moved out of my parents house a month ago and everything is going great so far. Our first year of college is almost ending, thank god, the classes have been intense all year now were in our final exams and its stressful.
My parents call from time to time and we go visit them in the holidays and such. Now I know that my life really changed for the best.
I was outside of Daniel's classroom waiting for him to finish his test. Then I get phone call from my mom, "hey mom" I said. "Hi, sweetie how's everything going?,is Daniel still taking the test?" she asked. "Yes, mom I told you that five minute ago"I told her.
"Oh, okay well I gotta go we're going to do some things in town, so ill talk to you later" she said and ended the call.
A couple if minutes later Daniel came out and had a tired expression on his face. "Hey, how was it?" I asked. "It was long and brain breaking" he explained.
"Well, come on let's go find something to eat" I said. " Sounds good" he stated. We went to McDonald's and got some food and then went to our apartment. As we were eating we talked about the future that we were going to have together and to be honest it's a scary one. I know that I have Daniel but in a couple of decades my parents and younger brother will be gone. "Daniel , our future is going to be great because we have each other but I'm sad that my parents can't be with us forever" I explained. "I know that its going yo be hard but will get through it, we have each other"he said. He pulled me to him and hugged me.
A couple if minutes later we pulled alway to finish eating. Just like that summer came and moved back with my parents for the summer. So far it was going great and now were planing to put a kiosk at the festival the town does every year. My dads cousin was running for mayor of the town and we were going to help him with selling food.
"Okay, guys were leaving" my mom yelled from downstairs. Daniel and I came down the stairs and headed outside to the car.
About twenty minutes later we got to the festival and unloaded the car and set up the kiosk. After helping my parents set up everything Daniel and me went to check the rides. Later we went over to the stage area to check out the music. To my surprise I liked the music because it was if my liking. The band that played that night was called Algarete, it's basically rock but in Spanish. You might be thinking why in Spanish well I moved to a place where it's mainly filled with Latinos, you do the math.
To my surprise Daniel really liked them but he didn't understand what they were singing. I had to traduce every song.
The night went on pretty fast before I knew we were packing everything for the next day. This festival in particular lasted a couple of days. Ten days to be exact.
We got home at 3am, we were all tired. Everyday for the past ten days were like this but the last of the festival Daniel and I stayed home and watched a couple of movies.
After a while I started to get sick and got the urge to puke. I ran to the bathroom across the hall and puked in the toilet. Daniel came running in and asked me if I was okay. "I didn't know that vampires get sick" I said.
"You probably ate too much the last couple if days. If a vampires stops drinking blood for a while everything you ate it's going to come out" Daniel explained. I kept on puking for a while and he hold my hair do it wouldn't get stomach acid on it.
When I stopped vomiting I got so weak that I couldn't stand up, so Daniel carried me upstairs to our room. He laid me down in the bed and laid down next to me. It's unbelievable how one person can be so gentle with the person that's most important to him.
Every time that I'm hurting and when I'm sad or happy his right there with me. He doesn't care about how I looked like or the flaws that I have Daniel just loves me for me and that's one of the qualities that I love best about him. Also that his kind and loving to other people I couldn't have asked for a better vampire boyfriend.
"Rose, are you okay?" he snapped out of my thinking. "Oh yeah, I was just thinking"I lied. Well technically I wasn't lying I really was thinking about him. "So you think I'm kind and living towards others?" he asked.
"You read my mind!" I stated. "Is there a problem with wanting to know what my girlfriend is thinking of?" he asked. "No..." I said while looking the other direction. "Is something bothering you?" he asked.
He lifted my chin with his thumb and pointing finger. "Look at me" he exhorted. I don't why, but I was crying."Now, why are you crying?" he asked with a gentle voice that can make you melt. "Because I'm happy" I explained. "About what?" he asked.
"I'm happy because your with me. You're the most loving and kind guy I've ever met. And the fact that you don't give up on anything is incredible. I can't believe you haven't left me" I said choking on my tears.
"Oh, honey I would never leave. I can't believe that's what you see when you look at me. Other people just see a monster that drinks their blood for hunger" he said.
We just hugged each other very tight. I pulled away from so I could kiss him and he kissed me back until things got heated up. Daniel ended on top of me and you might know what happens next.
He stopped and whispered, "Rose, I will love you forever and ever" and kept going. Obviously I knew that we are going to be together for ever.

3 years later...
College graduation was near and you can imagine what were doing. Yup we were getting ready, buying and preparing things for it. Yet again preparing for final exams and once again feeling really stressed. All this is going to be worth it. I can't wait to my parents at the graduation, this is one one of the things that will love to see.
Graduation day came and went and home my parents through a party for us and invited family and friends. All of the sudden I had lost Daniel, he was just next to me and his gone. I looked for him everywhere but I couldn't find him then I was called out side where the party is being held.
"Hey mom, have you seen Daniel?" I asked her. She just simply nod and pointed behind me. I turned around and saw him standing on stage. "Can I have everybody's attention please, I have an announcement to make"he said over the mic.
I looked at him and let me tell you that he looked really nervous about something. My mom pushed me to the front and when Daniel noticed me he pulled on stage.
"What's going on?" I asked. "You'll see" he said. Everyone was quiet so it was an acquired silence for me.
Then he turned to me and started talking. "Rose, we've been together for almost four years now and you have made me the most happiest man in the universe. You are there for me in the good and bad moments. I can't imagine being with someone else. What I'm saying is that......"he got on one knee. Tears started to go down my eyes. "Rose, would you make me the honor of marrying me?" he asked while holding a beautiful ring in a black box.
"Yes" I said. He smiled and stood up.
He slide the ringer into my finger and kissed me. That was the happiest night of my existence.

To be continued...

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