Chapter7 Just in the neck of time

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"Get away from her!" Daniel yelled from accros the street. "I'm afraid that I have orders from the council to kill her" Cole explained." You dirty trator" Daniel said.
"I'm just doing my job and you know it, remember that we vampires can't fall in love with the mortals but since you did and thought by leaving her alone you would be able to save her but the council sent me here to kill her" Cole said.
Daniel had an angry expression on his face. Then Cole sanked his fangs in my neck and I started screaming because if the pain it created trough out my entire body. All of the sudden the pain I felt was gone when Daniel took Cole off me.
Then I felt dizzy and light headed and before I knew it I passed out.
I woke up a couple hours later in a dark room, when I noticed Daniel on the edge of the bed with his head laying on it. I smiled when I saw him there next to me. When I moved his dark hair away from his face he leaned up and looked at me.
"How do you feel?" he asked.
"I've been better" I answered.
"Okay come on we gotta get something to eat, you'll feel light headed when you get off the bed" he explained. Once I stood up I felt dizzy just like he said so he carried me bridal style downstairs. When we got downstairs he sat me down on a couch and went into the kitchen and brought me a soda and made me a sandwich. "Here it you'll e need to regain your strengh" he said and sat next to me on the couch. I started eating and a matter of minutes I was finished. "Wow, hungry!"he exclaimed. "Well when you've lost a lot of blood then yes" I stated.
He looked at me with a smile,then I realized that my parents were going to kill me for not getting home last night.
"Oh my god, I gotta go" I said standing up. "Wait it's not safe for you not even during the day" he told me. "But I gotta get home" I said.
He grabbed my arm turned me around to face him. "No they probably know that you would go there. You're parents won't be safe if your with them" he explained. "But I gotta let them know that I'm okay" I said. I started shedding tears when Daniel got a call from someone.
"Daniel, I believe that you have something that belongs to us. Bring her over and we won't harm her beautiful family. They have the potential of becoming vampires or better yet dinner" a voice on the other side of the line said.
The call ended and Daneil looked at me. "The council has you're parents" he explained.
" What?,I really don't understand what's going on. Daniel you owe me an explanation." I demanded.
We sat down on the couch and he started explaining. "Okay first let me tell you that the council are vampires and they are the ones who have power over other vampires.."I cut him off. "Wow,hold up,, youre saying that vampires have my family hostage ?" I asked. "Yeah,pretty much" he said.
I had a shocked expression, I couldn't believe that. Then he snapped me out of it. "Just like Cole was a vampire, I am too a vampire" he said. Then I started to remember all those things about him about always having cold skin, never eating at school and the fact that he ran fast when I was attacked by my own boyfriend who turned out to be a vampire.
I looked at him with a blank face and asked." So why those the vampire council want me dead?"I asked.
Then he blushed hard. His face was all red like a tomato. "Daniel"I called his name. He looked at me with a brave face and said "because I love you"he stated.
To be continued...

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