Chapter : 4 - Her Stalker

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Aziz sat for hours at the same table, with his hand resting near his heart, gazing at her. She was completely unaware that someone was watching her.

Aziz noticed every movement she made. Twice she went inside a door and returned after 10 or 15 minutes; he thought she must have gone to rest.

It was 6 o'clock in the evening, and she was waiting with her bag, expecting for Usman arrival. A little while later, when Usman arrived at the cafe, she explained to him that the cafe was being well taken care of, and then she picked up her bag and started walking towards her car.

Aziz sat there, watching the person who was talking and smiling with her. Aziz was literally staring at the person with his dark, devilish eyes; he felt an odd discomfort seeing them interact. This was a feeling he had never experienced before.

He tried to calm himself down and reassure himself that maybe this person was her brother, whether younger or older, as they shared some resemblance.

"Hann Aziz, woh dono bhai behen hein honge, aur kuch nahi". Aziz was occupied with reassuring himself.
When he tried to look at her again, she wasn't there. Without much thought, Aziz went outside the cafe and saw her heading towards her car.

She was covering her face with a scarf, just like she did the first time he saw her. Watching her leave, he also got into his car and started following her, unsure of what he was doing, whether it was right or wrong; he just wanted to keep watching her for now.

Unaware of him, he followed her to her house, and the scene he witnessed in front of him left him bewildered. He didn't know what to do-whether to be happy with his fate or what. Where had fate brought him?

It was the house of his mother's best friend, the house he often visited with his mother. But even in his wildest imagination, he hadn't realized that the "Uns Reza" his mother often talked about was actually her.

Aziz knew Sahara well; he had met her when he started coming here with his mother. They use to behave like real siblings, very close, often arguing and teasing each other. Aziz's sister, Rasha, stayed in a hostel, but for some reason, Sahara shared an intense affection with him.

The playful Sahara would come to her older brother and share everything, especially about how Samir always teased her. Aziz would promise to confront Samir for her.

Sahara would occasionally mention her older sister, but she never discussed any details about her with Aziz. Aziz learned about her from his mother; whenever they came from the Reza Mansion, Aziz's mother would only tell him about her.

His mother would say that ever since Uns came into Hassan Reza's life, all of his problems began to resolve. Hassan Reza, who had dreamed of opening a hospital, was fighting numerous legal battles over that land.

It seemed like Hassan had given up hope, thinking that his dream would remain just a dream. Then Uns was born, and he held that little bundle of joy in his hands, watching as the tiny soul looked at him with her round eyes.

After a while, the little one started giggling joyfully upon seeing him. Seeing her laughter, a smile appeared on Hassan's face after many days. He regained hope that he would win the case for his dreams and for his little child.

By the grace of Allah, Hassan won the case, and he has now built his own hospital, named after his daughter-the very daughter sent by Allah as a blessing to Hassan.

Aziz had never paid much attention to those things before, but now all the information about Uns started flooding back to him. He had heard a lot about Uns but had never seen her.

He only knew that she lived in America with her grandparents, but he didn't know why she had gone to America at such a young age.

Aziz snapped out of his thoughts when he saw Uns entering the house. After seeing her go, he quickly turned and headed straight to the mall.

He made his way to the men's clothing section and went straight into the dressing room. Standing in front of the mirror, he began to look at himself. Memories of Uns started flooding back to him.

Every word of Uns started to come back to him, how she had described his eyes.

No one in his house would have noticed his eyes as much as Uns did.

But Uns's second comment began to bother him. The way she described his clothes felt less like a description and more like an insult.

As he listened to her words, he looked at himself in the mirror for the first time, realizing that he was indeed wearing the same type of outfit: ripped jeans, a black shirt with buttons undone, and messy hair.
It was the first time he realized what kind of clothes he wore.

His parents had never said anything about his clothes, and how could they even address Aziz? If Khalid Nader said something to him, he would twist his father's words and get upset.

If Zaina said something, he would also get upset, thinking that Zaina was saying all this based on her husband's words, and he was already upset with Tamir for wanting to go far away from him because of the being angry with him, he doesn't talk much with him, and he didn't want to hear all this about him from his sister Rasha.

But Uns, there was something about her, some quality in her that compelled him to be drawn towards her.

He looked at himself in the mirror once again and then walked out.

Thank you so much for reading📖
Have a great day ❤

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