Chapter : 23 - Behpanah Mohabbat

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"Why should I come?" he asked

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"Why should I come?" he asked.

"Kyunki mujhe tumhe dekhna hai bhegairat insaan." I finally said it.

"What?!" He was totally shocked now.

"Do I need to shout again and say now?" I said while glaring at him. And now I am pissed off by him. He's getting angry for no reason, and he's making me angry too, this person will drive me crazy.

"Is there more drama to do, or are you coming?" I asked again while taking another tray of coffee, but he took it before me and walked past me.

"Now if someone wants to see me so badly, how can I refuse?" he said, turning towards me and giving a wink before turning again and walking towards our table.

"Bhegairat," I murmured, but unknowingly smiled at his words.

Kuch toh jaadu hai usme.

I placed the coffee cups, then he pulled the chair out for me to sit.

He's literally driving me crazy with his actions. If he keeps doing all this, then surely I will faint right here. My heart is absolutely not used to all these gentlemanly acts, his flirting, his overly cheesy lines, everything.

He sat, spreading himself on the front couch, keeping his right arm on the couch and crossing his legs. That's it, my heart will explode now.

He's literally shameless, how can even seeing him sitting burn my cheeks? To my dismay, I am wearing white and my cheeks are turning red by each second because of his continuous stares.

"Drink your coffee, Nader. It's hot, otherwise it will get cold," I said while pushing the cup towards him.

"The coffee is fine, but what about those cheeks which are turning red like tomatoes?" he asked, with a mischievous smile playing on his lips.

I would have surely killed him if Sahara an all wasn't here. I will see you later, Nader, I cursed him for making me weak in front of him.

I ignored his question and started drinking my coffee."

"So bhai, when are you emptying your pockets?" Sahara finally asked Aziz.

"Why should I empty them, what's the occasion?" Aziz asked her innocently.

"For Eidi, bhai, just give me my Eid money," she said, extending her hands now.

"Yeah bhai, I want my Eidi too," Rasha joined in with Sahara.

"First ask Tamir and Samir. Kya woh doh ghareeb, tum doh ghareeb ko eidi denge yaah nahi?" (Will those two poor souls give eidi to this tow poor souls or not?)"Aziz said, gesturing towards them and smiling.

Sahara and Rasha both glared at him, but Aziz was truly enjoying their annoyed expressions.

"Are we the poor ones or you, who can't even give one or two lakh for Eidi?" Rasha mocked him.

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