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They always say "Those closest are the worst danger"
Never thought it would apply – my best friend an assaulter.
The worst part... It was not done to me.
Three other friends were victims.
Not enough to cause a stir
Too afraid to confront him, his threats too close to home.

"I'll off myself," he claims.
Cyclical rambings that we all know.
He dare not actually go through, yet fear keeps us stone.
Can not risk cutting him off so he dare not cut himself.

The danger is not that bad we say.
How long will that last?

This is how it starts, innocent curiosity.
'I'll show you mine if you show me yours.'
Nothing really wrong at first
A hormone surge in teenage boys, curiosity piquing interest.
A harmless game they claim, until it is no longer waggish.
Discomfort climbing in though the boy has not a clue.
Confrontation is not an option unless they wish to lose.
Assault or self assassination manipulation on both sides
We're too young to know which action's right. (2021

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