Dear Little Me

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Dear Younger me,

I'm proud of you. I know it's hard. You've come so far in the past eighteen years. I know that's not what you want to hear, I know you just want it to be over, I know that you're angry. Believe me, it's getting better. You are finally on the journey to true and complete healing. That insecurity that you would never be looked at romantically is gone now. You've found your people, the people you want around for the rest of your life. You've let go of all the toxicity; the bad friends, the clinginess the impatience, the fear, the anger.
You are a higher spirit now. You have tapped into your higher self, found confidence, found self-assurance. You understand on a level you never thought you would. You're still learning.
You are amazing. I'm so extremely proud of you. You're doing great. So hang in there sunshine It gets better. I promise (you know I hate promises) that it gets better.  (2023)

Learning Curves: A Poetry CollectionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora