Good Mornings, Good Nights

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Good morning, Goodnight
Smile through the day, dreaming at night.
This is new, and great, and strange, and terrifying, and maybe that's the fuck of it all.

Humans and people and persons, and you.
What's the next step?
Thinking too far ahead
This will crash and burn.
Filled with dread.

Not used to optimism, content with nihilism.
Maybe a glass half full won't cause a lull.

Good morning, Goodnight
Sunlight in their eyes, Screen light at midnight.
Fright, flight, fight, freeze, fawn.

Talking hours on end yet too soon it ends.
The heart they lend hoping it will not require a mend.

Unused to attention, craving affection
Becoming an extension of all this reflection.

Please entertain for a month or two or maybe more.
After, if uncertain, close the door.
Just don't leave the poor girl hurting and sore.

For now, I'm looking forward to good mornings, goodnights
Sunlight in their eyes, screen light at midnight. (Nov 2022)

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