Maybe, I ...

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Maybe I don't hate myself
Maybe everyone just wants me to

Because when I see waves crash on the shore
And sun sparkle in your eyes
And a flower brighter than my future
I smile

A bird flies past me
A child giggles
The sky is the perfect shade of blue
Wind messed up my hair as a joke

And I laugh and smile and think
That everything's going to be okay again

I've been lower than the Marianna trench
And higher than Mount Everest
And yet I've survived the pressure changes
Every single time

So, I will survive this too
I will wake up and go to class
I will ignore the lies I feed myself
I will smile through the pain

I will, I have and I am
I did, I didn't, I'll do

Some things can't bring closure
And I'm learning to accept that
I won't get my answers
Or apologies

I no longer need them
Fight myself for forgiveness
And move forward determined
This won't hold my back

It won't, it hasn't, it didn't
I have, I haven't, I had

My path is north
The past is south
East and West will tempt me
I'm following my compass

Maybe I love myself
Maybe everyone doesn't want me to
(fuck them haha)
(March 13th, 2024)

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