Fifteen Days

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Fifteen days to be a carefree teenager still living at home.
Fifteen days until I move hundreds of miles away.
Fifteen days until my high school friends and I part ways indefinitely.
Fifteen days until the street I grew up on is no longer the street I put down as my address.

The last time I was on my high school campus was two months ago.
The last time I saw someone I considered a little sister was last year.

The last time I went to the beach was over a year ago despite being a half-hour drive away.
The last time I held high expectations was too long ago to even guess.

I wonder if the people I leave behind will miss me.
I wonder if I'm worth the late night nostalgia.
I wonder if Thanksgiving this year will hold the same warmth.
I wonder what I did to push that person away from me

I won't get my answers in fifteen days
I won't have much of anything figured out in fifteen days.
I won't be here in fifteen days.
I won't be the me that you knew in fifteen days (August 2022)

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