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Nothing and everything
An endless abyss of nothing

The sea roars
It's dark here
And yet I'm nowhere
And everywhere

And the shore is too far away for comfort
Clouds have taken over the moon
Only an inky black nothingness

Squint and see nothing
You're blind and yet seeing
Yet there's nothing to be seen and so you're blind

Can one be claustrophobic in nothing?
What's the opposite of that?

The sea could swallow me up and no one would know
Drowning's the worst way to die they say
Alone, silent, lungs exploding
No one to hear your feeble scream
As the water pushes you deeper into her clutches

She holds you in her embrace
The darkness darkens darkly
The blindness blinds blindingly
My lungs are exploding

An endless abyss of nothing
Nothing and everything
Nothing (2023)

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