Love Hurts

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Love hurts.
It's the worst type of pain
That can't be explained                                                           

When you love someone
You give them a power over you.
You are powerful because
You can love freely, wholeheartedly,

But they are powerful
Because they can choose to not accept
The love you hold out to them
As a feast on a platter.                                                                                   

You wonder everyday
If they will decide
Your love is not enough,
Not what they want.

What do you do if you have love
With nowhere to go?

It aches inside of you,
Beating against your chest,
Waiting desperately to be let free
From its cage

But when love is not accepted
Its jailers become harsher.
When love is beaten down and rejected,
The prison walls thicken.

So love aches and burns
Deep in your core with nowhere to go.
So love aches and yearns
To show others what's out there.    
But you become selfish,
Keeping the treasure for yourself 
Because sharing it will
Only cause more pain later on.

You laugh and have fun causally
Because god-forbid love is
Ripped from you again.

God-forbid someone tells you
Your love is too much,
Not enough, not right.

God-forbid you have a heart.
Don't you know this generation
Only wants casual?

God-forbid you live freely
Because love is not free,
It comes at a price.

The price being that
As soon as you give love
You can never get that part of you
Back again.

You have to adapt, regrow,
Force your heart to soften once more
To heal the gaping hole
Where love once was

Because love comes back,
But it's never the same.
Love comes back but it hurts even worse. Love comes back but
You can only love and lose
So many times before the love
Is not your own

But pieces of everyone else
Who you've stolen from (summer 2023)

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