This Is Real

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Erens Pov
"Liz toss Clara to me!" I shout as connie fends off her horse from greeds.

"You want me to what!" She freaks out, slashing greeds one by one "what happens if..."

"I'll get closer, get ready" I tug, directing my horse to her side, lengthening my arm to her "Clara, reach"

With open arms of excitement, Clara grips me like a monkey. Pulling her to sit in front of me I trot ahead to catch up to Falco as Liz and connie hold them off.

Clara giggles as we pick up speed "Are you laughing?"

She grins, "This is so fun, and your horse is fast" She says patting the horses neck.

"Why are we always bonding over dangerous situations" I mumble, catching up to Falco.

"Is this what you call Chaotic love?"

I cringe, "No! What books have you been reading!"

"Only the ones you give me dad..." she shrugs her shoulders

Falco looks towards me with a raised brow "I think you need to lower her reading level"

"Then you try being a father kid, they absorb everything." I hold Clara as the horse jumps a log "How long til we reach Piecks boat"

"This is the home stretch"

With the smell of salt water, blue shimmers emerges through the trees. Connie and Liz finish off the Greeds on our tail, catching up.

"You two alright? Any bites?"

"Of course not Falco. Don't forget we are the adults with experience in fighting.."

"Relax Connie, the only natural talent back there was me. Serum users don't count."

Connie goans "There you go again ELIZABETH, always coming up with snide comments"

"Well maybe if you would start saying logical things then maybe I could say something nice.."

"Now that is an example of chaotic love.." I explain to Clara

Falco burst out laughing as Clara is in awe attempting to understand her new knowledge.

"Shut up Ere...." Turning too fast to yell he almost falls off his horse, being pushed back up by Liz....

"Quit whining and stay on your horse idiot..." she scolds, as her face turns red from my comment.

Reaching the end of the forest we see Pieck standing at the bow of a boat "Ahoy" She waves us down

Reaching her boat we let our horses free "what are you doing dad? What happens if they get eaten"

I pass Clara up to connie on the boat "Thats why we set them free little bean, so our fast horse can get away." Her doe eyes watch as the horse runs off into the forest. Pouting she follows Connie to the back of the boat.

"Didnt realizes people that massacre 80% of humanity can be so human...." With a snide smirk she chuckles "or did you manage to keep the power of the Titan to yourself.."

I get on the boat, stepping into her space. Towering over her "Are we going to have a problem?" I dare her to say more.

She pushes a finger into my chest "Don't think I forgot what you did Jeager. Remember this is only a favor to Falco, I don't have to like you."

Falco stands in between us as I relax my shoulders, respecting her honesty. Its not often people tell me the truth of how disgusting my choices were.

"Easy Pieck, we dont need to start fights just yet. We have a long journey..." Falco reconciles

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